学习AI提示工程,数据库管理,从零开始构建网站和网站内容编写-在一门课程中零基础学习。学习如何仅使用AI提示从头开始创建完整的网站并访问后端数据库。学习如何编写和使用提示来创建、编辑网页内容和SEO。学习如何在本地计算机上设置和配置软件开发环境。学习如何编写提示来创建SQL代码以检索数据库内容和基本数据库系统管理技能。完成课程后,您将获得:无需任何先前编码经验的实际编码技能。关于如何设置和管理数据库的实际工作知识。快速从零开始为任何项目构建完整网站的实际知识。使用AI提示编写和编辑网站内容的实际知识。访问和使用AI服务的实际知识。项目网站分阶段构建,并且每个步骤都有详细的说明和易于跟随的指导。课程中充满了完整的软件开发知识、技巧和指导。无需先修课程。这门课程适用于任何对学习新技术感兴趣的人。Starting from Scratch:AI-Powered Website Creation,Code-Light

由Rubayat M .创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)|课程时长:2小时19分钟)

Using AI prompts to create a complete website from scratch. Access, display database content, create page contents, SEO.

What you’ll learn:
How to access AI services and write prompt to make the AI work for you. Explanation of prompt structure.
Without using any website maker software, build a complete website from scratch quickly for any project using only AI.
Practical working knowledge about database setup, table management, data manipulation and how to access them using AI.
Write and edit website content, create SEO including coding Using AI.

No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know.

Learn AI prompt engineering,  database managment, build a website from scratch and website content writing – all in one course with zero experience. > Learn how to  create a complete website and access backend database from scratch using only AI prompts. Without using any website maker software.> Learn how to write and use prompts  to create, edit web page contents, SEO. > Learn how to setup and configure software development environment in your local computer. > Learn how to write prompt to create SQL codes to retrieve database content and basic database system managment skills. Learn how to upload data.After completing the course – you will gain :> Practical coding skill without any previous coding experience. > Practical working knowledge about how to setup and manage database. > Practical knowledge to build a complete website from scratch quickly for any project. > Practical knowledge on how to write and edit website content using AI prompt. > Practical knowledge on how to access and use AI services.Project website is built in small stages and each steps is explained in details with easy to follow instruction. Course is packed with complete software development knowkedge, tips and instruction. No prerequisite course is required. This course is for anyone who is interested to learn new technology.

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