不用写一行代码,就可以在Apple II上构建一个非常像原版Tapian的盗版交易游戏,看到新的海盗战斗状态,在你的船上受到伤害,一个小的界面升级,和升级你的船舱!
谁不喜欢一个有趣的海盗交易游戏,你在城市之间交易货物,升级你的船,在公海上打击海盗?在本课程中,您将学习如何使用Unity & playMaker构建一个有趣的海盗交易游戏。使用playMaker的有限状态机,您将看到如何从零开始,一步一步地构建这个游戏。Create a Fun Pirate Trading Game in PlayMaker & Unity


本课程的目标是让你从一个初级游戏设计师成长为一个能够将越来越复杂的游戏和应用程序整合在一起的人。虽然本课程使用Unity & playMaker,但您将学习的游戏设计技术和模式将适用于几乎任何语言。随着课程的进行,你将学会如何巧妙的组织你的游戏对象和FSM。您将学习如何使用循环、嵌套循环和依赖注入来动态创建游戏对象。您将学习如何创建可重复使用的FSM,并将获得在游戏中添加新功能的信心。

课程时长:5小时57分钟 |视频:. MP4,1280×720 30 fps |音频:AAC,48 kHz,2ch |
语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)

在Unity & playMaker中创建一个有趣的海盗交易游戏
应安装Unity 5或更高版本,并从Unity资产商店购买和下载PlayMaker


Build a Pirate Trading Game much like the original Tapian on the Apple II without writing a single line of code

What you’ll learn
Create a Fun Pirate Trading Game in Unity & playMaker
Implement increasingly complex game designs
How to break down problems into finite state machines and develop visual solutions
Have basic level computer skills
Unity 5 or later should installed and PlayMaker purchased & downloaded from the Unity Asset Store
See new states for pirate battles, taking damage in your ship, a small interface upgrade, and upgrading your ship hold!
Who doesn’t like a fun pirate trading game in which you trade goods between cities, upgrade your ship, and fight pirates on the high seas? In this course you will learn how to build a fun Pirate Trading Game using Unity & playMaker. Using playMaker’s Finite State Machines you will see how to build this game from the ground up, step by step.
The Fun Way To Learn Game Design
Like our other highly rated courses we start at the very beginning. Even someone new to playMaker and Unity can follow along. We begin by walking you through how to setup the project and install playmaker. We layout a basic interface for our game and then we create some simple FSM states to begin implementing the turn system of our game. But we don’t just keep it simple and basic for long. This course is designed for ambitious developers who want to learn important game design techniques and are not afraid to jump in feet first. We waste no time in delving into more advanced design patterns that will teach you how to build virtually any game in playMaker and Unity.
Intermediate and Advanced Level playMaker
The goal of this course is to take you from a beginning game designer to someone who is very capable of putting together increasingly complex games and applications. While this course uses Unity & playMaker, the game design techniques and patterns you will be learning will apply to virtually any language. As you progress through the course you will learn how to smartly structure your game objects and FSMs. You will learn how to use loops, nested loops, and dependency injection to create game objects on the fly. You will learn how to create reusable FSM’s and will gain confidence in adding new features to the game.
Who this course is for
Anyone interested in building games in playMaker
Playmaker developers looking to learn more advanced design patterns
Experienced programmers and developers who wish to approach game development from a different perspective
Beginning programmers who wish to experiment with visual programming
Game Developers who learn better visually or who have struggled learning how to code

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