ChatGPT,变压器,GPT3,Prompt工程,欢迎参加“ChatGPT揭开基础、进步、内部工作原理”课程。在这个综合课程中,您将深入了解ChatGPT的内部工作原理,探索变压器的变革力量,并解开有效的prompt工程的秘密。无论您是开发人员、数据科学家还是人工智能爱好者,本课程都将为您提供充分利用ChatGPT潜力的知识和技能。在整个课程中,您将通过ChatGPT的基础和高级概念踏上一段激动人心的旅程,彻底了解其架构、功能和局限性。您将探索Transformers的基本原理,这些革命性的模型彻底改变了自然语言处理,并发现它们如何使ChatGPT能够处理和生成类似人类的文本。有了坚实的基础,您将深入研究提示工程的艺术——这是微调ChatGPT以执行特定任务或生成所需响应的关键技能。您将学习成熟的技巧来制作提示,产生准确、一致、上下文相关的输出,确保ChatGPT成为您的人工智能武器库中的强大工具。涵盖的关键主题:ChatGPT简介:了解ChatGPT背后的基础知识和关键概念,包括其架构、预培训和微调流程。自然语言处理中的变形金刚:探索变形金刚的变革力量及其在语言建模、注意机制和自我注意中的作用。深入ChatGPT的内部工作原理:了解ChatGPTPrompt工程技术的内部机制:掌握提示工程的艺术,以有效地引导和控制ChatGPT的输出,包括上下文设置、系统消息和用户指令。ChatGPT Unveiling the Basics, Advancement, Inner Workings

由Giri Teja Reddy Muppidi VS
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子学习|语言:英语|时长:12节课(1小时45分钟)|大小:524 MB



ChatGPT, Transformers,GPT3,Prompt Engineering

What you’ll learn
By completing the course, learners will develop a solid grasp of the underlying concepts and techniques that power ChatGPT which helps them to crack interviews
Acquire practical skills for deploying and integrating ChatGPT in real-world NLP applications
How to write efficient prompts(Prompt Engineering) for various NLP tasks
Understand the internal workings and limitations of ChatGPT: Through an in-depth exploration of the inner workings and architecture of ChatGPT

Little bit knowledge of ML will help

Welcome to “ChatGPT Unveiling the Basics, Advancement, Inner Workings” In this comprehensive course, you will dive deep into the inner workings of ChatGPT, explore the transformative power of Transformers, and unlock the secrets of effective prompt engineering. Whether you’re a developer, data scientist, or AI enthusiast, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to harness the full potential of ChatGPT.Throughout this course, you will embark on an exciting journey through the fundamentals and advanced concepts of ChatGPT, gaining a thorough understanding of its architecture, capabilities, and limitations. You will explore the underlying principles of Transformers, the revolutionary models that have revolutionized natural language processing, and discover how they enable ChatGPT to process and generate human-like text.With a strong foundation in place, you will delve into the art of prompt engineering—a critical skill for fine-tuning ChatGPT to perform specific tasks or generate desired responses. You will learn proven techniques for crafting prompts that yield accurate, coherent, and contextually relevant outputs, ensuring that ChatGPT becomes a powerful tool in your AI arsenal.Key Topics Covered:Introduction to ChatGPT: Understanding the fundamentals and key concepts behind ChatGPT, including its architecture, pre-training, and fine-tuning processes.Transformers in Natural Language Processing: Exploring the transformative power of Transformers and their role in language modeling, attention mechanisms, and self-attention.Dive into ChatGPT’s Inner Workings: Understanding the internal mechanisms of ChatGPTPrompt Engineering Techniques: Mastering the art of prompt engineering to effectively guide and control the outputs of ChatGPT, including context setting, system messages, and user instructions.

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