【说明】感谢一个小伙伴的分享,缺的第六周腿部那节课已经补上,目前不缺课了,另外部分视频会和谐已打包需要下载后解压观看 建议用360解压软件 有课件没笔刷

Release date:2022


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

This set of courses comes from the fifth phase of Tenten Cloud’s 2022 Dynamic Basics of Human Body Structure [High-definition picture quality with courseware but no brush].

This set of course files has a total of 40G, and the download link is attached at the bottom of the article.

In order to facilitate the mastery of human body knowledge, tenten will memorize the relatively complex knowledge of human anatomy with the simplest graphic thinking, and then convert it into interesting geometric shapes to express.

For some students who want to learn about the human body but are afraid of complex bones and muscles, tenten will summarize their understanding of the muscle structure and conclude a customized

A set of shape rules for students to internalize!

learning target Learning about human motion and lighting gives you the freedom to create the characters and atmosphere you want. The human body is also an industry threshold that cannot be ignored in professional painting. Consolidating the foundation of human body dynamics and light and shadow will allow you to face various challenges with ease in your work.

Course Highlights It is difficult for zero-based students to master complex human body systems in a short period of time. Tenten integrates his many years of painting experience, summarizes the core structure of the human body with the simplest geometry, and then optimizes and deforms the structure to express the ideal dynamics of the characters.

Through systematic optical theory, it will teach you how to use light and shadow to make composition, how to calculate light and shadow, and how to use light and shadow to create an atmosphere, making you a human “3D renderer”.






学习目标 学习人体动态和光影可以让你自由地创作自己想要的角色和氛围。人体也是职业绘画中不可忽视的行业门槛,夯实人体动态和光影基础,可以让你在工作中游刃有余的面对各种挑战。

课程亮点 零基础学员很难在短时间内掌握复杂的人体系统。Tenten整合了自己多年绘画经验,用最简单的几何体概括出人体最核心的结构,再对结构进行优化、变形,从而表达出理想的人物动态。



48.-多角度打光练习(2022-01-05) 49-体块塑造练习(2022-01-05) 50-概括练习视频讲解(2022-05-11) 51.【试听课】tentenrentijiegoudongtai试听课(2022-04-28) 52.【艺类】从透视体块教你画renti–tenten老师renti基础公开课(2021-12-14) 53.【免费公开课】tentenrentidongtai光影基础课(2021-11-16) 54.【预科辅导】标准几何体的绘制技巧(2022-06-05)

week 01

01.7.8-第一周-renti比例与平衡—火柴ren(2022-07-08) 02.7.9-第一周-动态透视的建立—方块人(2022-07-09) 03.【作业演示1】第一周作业火柴ren、方块ren(2022-07-09) 04.【周末答疑】7.10-直播答疑(2022-07-10)

week 02

05.【加课内容】7.14-针对方块透视套嵌薄弱的同学(2022-07-14) 06.7.16-第二周-rentigujia结构(2022-07-16) 07.7.16-第二周-关节球概括(2022-07-16) 08.【作业演示2】第二周骨架与关节球作业演示(2022-03-13)

week 03

09.【加课内容】7.18-针对关节球结构记忆薄弱的同学(2022-07-18) 10.7.22-第三周-重心与透视-作业讲评(2022-07-22) 11.7.23-第三周-头部结构概括方法与头骨结构(2022-07-23) 12.7.23-第三周-五官画法以及头颈衔接(2022-07-23) 13.【周末答疑】7.24关节球作业答疑(2022-07-24)

week 04

14.【作业演示3】头部结构作业演示(2022-07-26) 15.7.29-第四周-骨架与关节球-作业讲评(2022-07-29) 16.7.30-第四周-躯干肌肉结构(2022-07-30) 17.7.30-第四周-躯干实操演示(2022-07-30) 18.【日常答疑】8.1-针对头部和躯干结构的答疑(2022-08-01) 23.【日常答疑】8.8-针对躯干上肢结构答疑(2022-08-08)

week 05

19.8.5-第五周-头部结构-作业讲评(2022-08-05) 20.8.6-第五周-手臂结构解析(2022-08-06) 21.8.6-第五周-手部结构解析(2022-08-06) 22.【作业演示5】上zhi作业演示(2022-04-05)

week 06

24.8.12-第六周-躯干结构-作业讲评(2022-08-12) 26.8.13-第六周-脚部结构解析(2022-08-13) 27.【日常答疑】8.15针对四肢问题(2022-08-15)

week 07

28.8.19-第七周-shangzhi结构-作业讲评(2022-08-19) 29.8.20-第七周-形状设计理论知识(2022-08-20) 30.8.20-第七周-形状设计演示(2022-08-20)

week 08

31.【加课内容】8.22-nvti变形演示(2022-08-22) 32.8.26-第八周-xiazhi结构-作业讲评(2022-08-26) 33.8.27-第八周-造型夸张理论(2022-08-27).MP4 35.【日常答疑】8.29-针对体型设计(2022-08-29)

week 09

36.9.2-第九周-形状设计-作业讲评(2022-09-02) 37.9.3-第九周-光的类型、光与影、光影系统理论(2022-09-03) 38.9.3-第九周-如何计算光影(2022-09-03) 39.【加课内容】9.5-光影补充演示(2022-09-05) 40.【补充内容】往期光影演示过程(2022-09-03)

week 10

41.9.9-第十周-xingti夸张-作业讲评(2022-09-09) 42.9.10-第十周-投影形状的设计—归纳亮暗部(2022-09-10) 43.9.10-第十周-如何利用光影塑造物体、营造气氛(2022-09-10) 44.9月14日-tenten抖音直播改图回放(2022-09-15)

week 11

45.9.16-第十一周-光影构成作业讲评(2022-09-16) 46.9.17-第十一周-色彩理论和配色技巧(2022-09-17) 47.9.17-第十一周-叠色技巧、后期刻画流程(2022-09-17)

The Fifth Phase of the Dynamic Foundation of Human Body Structure by Tenten (tenten云2022年人体结构动态基础第五期 Chinese, 

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