Release date:2020

Duration:00 h 17 m

Author:Danny Mac 3D

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Improve your art by focusing on the fundamentals of shape and proportion with these ten base meshes, which take the focus away from software and allow you to concentrate on the important aspects of your artwork. These base meshes can be used in any sculpting application and are intended as a reference tool.

Each mesh represents a different crucial shape or ‘level’ of the sculpt. By striving to achieve these shapes, you will start to learn the fundamental elements that are essential for leveling up your artwork.

This package includes the following:

1 Zbrush file containing 10 levels of base meshes 1 Blender file containing 10 levels of base meshes 10 OBJ files of each base mesh to be used in alternative apps 10 x 26 images of the meshes at each level (260 images!) 1 PureRef file for easy viewing of the images. I highly recommend using this for reference images if you do not already have one.

2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!