Release date:2023, April

Duration:01 h 04 m

Author:JW Learning

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to our first class on One-Point Perspective! In this lesson, we will break down the often challenging process of linear perspective in an easy-to-follow way. We will cover what Perspective Drawing is and how we can use it for our compositions, as well as how we can make the experience work for our ideas and concepts, rather than the other way around.

In the first half of the class, we will cover the basics of One-Point Perspective. This will include learning about how we perceive the world in three dimensions and how we can translate that viewpoint onto a flat 2D surface through drawing. The class will intercut between lecture and exercises, so please have your pencil and paper ready to follow along.

Once the first half of the lesson is complete, we will finish off with a demonstration of the class assignment. You will be challenged to create your very own interior room with furniture using One-Point Perspective.

If you have ever had issues with perspective drawing or have felt intimidated by the subject matter, this class will help ease you into it. So, let’s get drawing and unlock the secrets of One-Point Perspective together!

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