Release date:2013

Duration:01 h 16 m

Author:Matan Naveh

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn Develop an online multiplayer race game that can be played with family and friends. Gain knowledge on online multiplayer game mechanics and related terminology (server, ping, room, network). Study the fundamentals of networking in Unity, C#, and Photon PUN 2. Learn the client-server model and impact of ping on the game. Implement a connection to a server and a lobby user interface for match creation and joining. Synchronize player nicknames across the network. Ensure players spawn at different spawn points on the map. Create a scoring system for collecting rings. Implement a winning logic for when the game is over. Requirements

This course does not require prior experience in building online games. However, it is recommended to have a basic understanding of Unity and C# before enrolling. Familiarity with game development terms such as Gameobjects, Components, Prefabs, and Colliders will also be helpful.


Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of multiplayer game development! With this course, you will learn how to build online multiplayer races that you can play with your friends and family.

You’ll start by gaining an understanding of the fundamental concepts of online multiplayer games, including common terms such as server, ping, room, and network. Next, you’ll delve into the basics of networking in Unity, C#, and Photon PUN 2. This will include learning the client-server model and how ping affects the game’s performance.

As you progress, you’ll implement a connection to a server and a lobby user interface (UI) where players can join or create matches. You’ll also learn how to sync player nicknames across the network and make players spawn from different points on the map. The course will also cover a scoring system when rings are collected, and a winning logic when the game is over.

No prior experience in building online games is required to take this course. However, to get the most out of this experience, it’s important to be comfortable with building simple games in Unity and C#, as well as understand basic game development concepts like Gameobjects, Components, Prefabs, and Colliders.

Why learn multiplayer game development? Multiplayer games have become increasingly popular in recent years, and with the rise of online gaming comes a demand for developers who can create engaging and immersive multiplayer experiences.

Multiplayer games also offer a level of engagement and social interaction that most single-player games simply can’t match. And adding those features can separate a good game from a great game

What will you learn in this course? In the course, we’ll create an online multiplayer race competition where you collect all the rings as fast as possible before the other player does.

We’ll start by understanding how online multiplayer games work and the common phrases (server, ping, room, network).

Next, Learn the client-server model and the effect of ping on the game.

From there, we’ll implement a connection to a server and a lobby UI where the player can join or create a match.

We will sync the player’s nickname across the network and make the player spawn from different spawn points on the map.

Finally, we will make a scoring system when a ring is collected and a winning logic when the game is over.

Throughout the course, you’ll learn how to implement multiplayer game mechanics such as lobbies, matchmaking, and player synchronization.

By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to create your own multiplayer games in Unity, C#, and Photon PUN2. You’ll be able to create games that are played online with friends or strangers, and you’ll have a solid foundation for building more complex multiplayer games in the future.

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for intermediate game developers who have a desire to create a new multiplayer game from scratch or incorporate multiplayer capabilities into their current game projects. Familiarity with the Unity game engine and C# programming language is a must, as well as understanding fundamental game development terms like Gameobjects, Components, Prefabs, Colliders, etc. If you meet these prerequisites, then join us on this journey to enhance your game development skills and build amazing multiplayer games!

Are there any learning resources?

Learning resources for the course include:

Challenge Slides – Hands-on tasks to reinforce your understanding. Coding Quizzes – Test your knowledge and apply what you learned. Complete Source Code – Reference for the final project and comparison. Q&A Support – Get help with any issues or questions you may have. Discord Community – Connect with other students and showcase your work. Photon PUN2 Cheat Sheet – A comprehensive list of useful commands. Who this course is for:

Intermediate game developers aspiring to create a new multiplayer game or add multiplayer features to a current game.

1. Welcome & Course Overview

01. Promo – Introduction to Multiplayer Game Development in Unity 02. Welcome & Learning Resources 03. Full Game Playthrough

2. Developing an Online Multiplayer Game in Unity & Photon PUN2

01. Project Setup & Photon PUN 2 02. Introduction to Networking – Server & Ping 04. Loading Menu UI 05. Connecting to the Server 07. Lobby Menu UI 08. Creating and Joining Rooms 10. Game Environment Setup 11. Player Movement & Camera Follow 12. Player Instantiation & Multiplayer Test 14. Finishing the Lobby Menu 15. Player Nickname 16. Multiplayer Bug Fixing 18. Spawnpoint Visuals 19. Spawnpoint Logic 20. Rings & Score System – Part 1 21. Rings & Score System – Part 2 22. Rings & Score System – Part 3 24. Win Menu UI 25. Win Logic 26. Post Processing 27. Playing the Game with my Brother!

3. What’s Next

01. Whats Next

[Udemy] Introduction to Multiplayer Game Development in Unity.7z [Udemy] Introduction to Multiplayer Game Development in Unity_Subtitles.7z

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