Release date:2022

Author:Egor Grishin

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn how to create voluminous and stylized sketches in three days.

Brief description of the course: The course author is Egor Grishin, a 2D artist and illustrator who has collaborated with Games Workshop. You will learn how to create stylized sketches and turn them into three-dimensional models. The course is suitable for beginners and does not require any additional preparation. By the end of the course, you will have a completed concept that can be added to your portfolio. WHAT IS SKETCHING?

Sketching is a quick drawing technique that allows you to visually convey the composition, main ideas, and design of an image. It is indispensable for creating sketches.

Competent sketching involves increasing the speed, expressiveness, and constructive basis of your sketches through conscious work with composition and accents.


The purpose of this course is to teach you how to create stylized sketches of objects and turn them into three-dimensional models. We will not only cover simple sketches but also teach you how to use sketching to create more complex works.

In this course, you will learn:

Volumetric-spatial thinking; Work with perspective; Work with the line; Graphical rendering style; The mindset of a sketcher. FOR WHOM IS THIS COURSE?

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to sketch quickly. It is ideal for beginners and requires no additional preparation. The teacher will assume that you know nothing about drawing.

The intro course is not a part of the main course or a preparatory stage. It is a separate training program that is worth taking, regardless of whether you plan to buy a paid course or have already completed it.

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