Release date:2020, April 26

Author:Marco Bucci

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Working as a commercial illustrator often requires a piece to pass through several stages of visual development before beginning the final art. This introduces a number of challenges to the artist: how do you keep the final painting as spontaneous and free as your sketches? How do you keep the process fresh and fun as you work? How do you maintain enthusiasm through the hours ahead? How do you maintain a positive, yet self-critical mindset as the idea develops? In Digital Painting II, mentor shows you his approach for creating an illustration from conception through to a final piece. He’ll take an initial idea through visual development stages such as a color rough, compositional thumbnails, and character design, before starting the final digital illustration. Along the way, you’ll see how each stage motivates the next, and how it all pays off in the final illustration.

Sprcial thanks goes to Fakri!

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