Release date:2019

Duration:05 h 39 m

Author:Fahir Mehovic

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The first volume in my comprehensive game development series where we learn to create 2D and 3D games.

This volume is all about C# which will be our building block for developing games.

We will cover everything from basics to more advanced topics that will prepare you for the games like FPS, RPG, 3D Platformer and many more that we are going to create in these series.

Table of Contents

1. Downloading Unity And Taking A Look At It’s Interface 12:12

2. Where To Download The Assets For This Class 0:16

3. Important Note 0:20

4. Our First Game Pumpkins And Golems 46:56

5. Introduction To Variables 18:21

6. Operations With Variables 16:32

7. Functions 17:31

8. Conditional Statements 23:56

9. Loops 12:28

10. Arrays 18:36

11. Arrays And Functions 8:08

12. Classes And Objects 24:09

13. Constructors 12:01

14. Passing Values And References To Function Parameters 8:22

15. Visibility Modifiers 13:00

16. Inheritance 21:52

17. Monobehaviour 23:47

18. Static Variables And Functions 8:20

19. Coroutines 14:54

20. Delegates 21:12

21. Enumerations 4:59

22. Arrays And Lists 11:23

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