Release date:2022

Author:Lindsay Adler

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The One Light Artistry class is designed to open your eyes and inspire you to understand the endless stunning results that can be achieved even with one light! When you have a plan, and a concept you’d be surprised what you can do!

ABOUT THIS CLASS Many of the greatest photographers of all time created their iconic images with a single strobe. What made the images so striking and memorable? It was their concept, styling, and their control of light.

I often read comments about how I use multiple expensive lights and that is how I get the results I do — and while it’s true I tend to use higher end equipment and multiple lights — that’s just my preference.

So as you may have guessed, this series is ideal for those who have one light. Sure you can benefit from this as well if you have more than one light but this is a great reference to have if you only have a single light and some modifiers.

We’ll go over a number different setups in the video and even more in the bonus guide! You’ll see first hand and in real time how I achieve the looks pictured below with one light.

Creating wonderful studio light images doesn’t need to be expensive. It doesn’t need to be complicated. And it’s not out of your reach!

Bonus Quick Reference Recipe Guide Included!

Each setup in this “lighting recipe guide” is designed to be easily replicated with ONE LIGHT (and varying modifiers) and a great base for you to experiment with and create your own lighting concoctions!

24 setups Step by step instructions Diagram of lighting scene Behind the scenes image of each setup Camera gear used Camera / lighting settings Tips to achieve a better image Gear guide

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