Release date:2018
Duration:03 h 00 m
Author:Kate Woodman
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In their quest for better images, photographers often overlook the importance of color. Kate Woodman breaks down the science of color and will show you why you need to make color a driving force behind all of your image making. By understanding color balance, color harmonies and how to manipulate color Kate, will show you how you can control mood and emotion for effective storytelling.
1. Color Theory 01-01-Color Theory-Introduction 01-02-Color Theory-The Purpose of Color 01-03-Color Theory-Properties of Color 01-04-Color Theory-Color Mixing 01-05-Color Theory-Color Harmony 01-06-Color Theory-Harmony Example 01-07-Color Theory-Color Balance 01-08-Color Theory-Luminosity Contrast 01-09-Color Theory-Perception 01-10-Color Theory-Psychology
2. Studio Shoot 02-11-Studio Shoot-Monochromatic Shoot 02-12-Studio Shoot-Split Complementary Shoot 02-13-Studio Shoot-Retouching Introduction 02-14-Studio Shoot-Monochromatic Retouch 02-15-Studio Shoot-Split Complementary Retouch
3. On Location Shoot 03-16-On Location Shoot-On Location Introduction 03-17-On Location Shoot-Scouting 03-18-On Location Shoot-Casting 03-19-On Location Shoot-Styling 03-20-On Location Shoot-Lighting 03-21-On Location Shoot-Framing 03-22-On Location Shoot-Retouching Introduction 03-23-On Location Shoot-Luminosity Adjustments 03-24-On Location Shoot-Color Analysis 03-25-On Location Shoot-Color Grade

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