Release date:2018, May
Duration:12 h 24 m
Author:Austin Batchelor
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn? Digitally paint in a variety of styles.
You should have access to a painting software of your choice like photoshop or Procreate.
You will need a basic understanding of your preferred painting software.
You will need a drawing tablet and a stylus of some sort.
You’ll need a deep drive to become a better painter!Description
You’ll create over 15 different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!
The Digital Painting Mega Course will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of digital painting – or your money back
The course is your track to obtaining digital painting skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to create art as a professional.
This course will take you from having little knowledge in digital painting to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of digital painting fundamentals.Here’s what you get with the course: You’ll get access to the 14 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of digital painting from the ground up. The course is supported with over 13 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.
All at your fingers tips instantly.
The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals of digital painting. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating professional art. You will learn everything from sketching fundamentals all the way up to photorealistic rendering.Next you’ll learn how brushes work and how to incorporate them into your art. You will be learning how to create your own custom brushes as well.
Once you’ve learned brushes you are going to learn about the fundamentals of light and color and how to apply it to your drawings.
Then you are going to learn how to paint various surfaces and textures.
At this point you’ll be ready to start painting in different art styles. We will spend 5 whole sections learning how to paint in different styles.
Lastly you will gain access to the bonus section where I’ll teach you how to build a professional art portfolio and build a following on social media.Over the 14 chapters you will learn:
How to draw your under drawing
painting fundamentals
Shape and form
How to use value and contrast
light and color
painting water
Creating texture
painting photorealisticlyWhat else will you get?
– Personal contact with me, the course tutor
– Lifetime access to course materials
– Understanding of how professional art is created
– Quizzes and exercise work sheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.
I will be here for you every step of the way!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to learn to digitally paint.
Anyone who can already paint but wants to learn new styles.Introduction 44:33
Welcome! 01:10
How to Use the Q&A 02:35
Tools of the Trade 02:57
Anyone Can Learn to Paint 32:18
How to Stay Motivated 05:33
Tool Basics 19:51Choosing Your Software 03:10
Canvas Settings 03:29
Main Tools in Procreate 05:55
Main Tools in Photoshop 04:56
Making Things Simpler Through Interface Settings 02:21
Digital Tools 44:41
Understanding Your Tools 01:36
Layers and Opacity 05:13
Layer Blend Modes 14:57
Selection Tool 07:27
Adjustment Settings 09:36
Blurs and Smudge Tool 05:52
Brushes 38:36
The Brush Fallacy 02:20
Sketching Brushes 03:19
Painting Brushes 04:41
Texture Brushes 04:41
Special Brushes 04:06
Brush Settings 10:46
Making Custom Brushes 08:43
Basic Painting Skills 23:40The Importance Of Mastering the Fundamentals 03:17
Mastering Pressure Sensitivity 03:51
Mastering Values 04:12
Mastering Composition 04:04
Mastering Edge Control 08:16
The Basics of Light and Color 37:53The Inseprability Of Light and Color 02:25
The Science Of Light 06:29
Local Colors 04:12
The Saturation Problem 04:15
Warm and Cool Colors 05:40
Shadows 07:12
Reflected Light and Ambient Occlusion 07:40
Painting Excercises 52:55Painting is About Problem Solving 02:41
Painting Shiny Surfaces 12:05
Painting Subsurface Scattering 03:37
Painting Glowing Objects 06:42
Painting Water 22:06
Painting Decals and Tattoos 05:44
Different Painting Styles 04:47Different Ways to Paint 03:00
Finding Your Style 01:47
Cell Shading Style 01:43:55Cell Shaded Art 02:06
Underdrawing 04:14
Tightening the Underdrawing 10:32
Refined Drawing 10:18
Final Line Art 14:19
Flat Colors 27:39
Two Tone Shading 11:42
Thee Tone Shading 04:21
Highlights 07:37
Background 04:27
Overlay Effects 03:52
Texture Layers 02:48
Inking Style 01:06:57Inked Art 03:02
Penciling 02:46
Refined Pencils 08:06
Inking Layer 18:22
Local Colors 14:50
Shadows and Lighting 13:03
Background and Final Effects 06:48
Cutout Style 49:13Cutout Paintings 01:53
Choosing and Preparing your Sketch 02:47
Cutting Out the Shapes 08:03
Cleaning up the shape 08:45
Adding simple line art 05:36
Markings and Textures 09:35
Shadows and lightning 08:05
Overlays and Background 04:29
Photorealistic Style 03:14:04Photorealistic Paintings 02:21
Rough Drawing 03:34
Refined drawing 07:32
Final Drawing 18:59
Local Colors 11:09
Rough shadow 09:08
Lights 22:44
Deep Shadows 08:44
Highlights 10:33
Photorealistic Markings 12:48
Secondary Light Source and reflected light. 08:55
Adding a background 08:59
Adding photo textures 34:13
Integrating the Texture 22:23
Finishing touches 07:44
Depth of Field 04:18
Painterly Style 51:06Painterly Digital Paintings 01:17
Rough Sketch 09:40
Rough Colors and Values 14:11
Refining the painting 19:12
Final effects 06:46
Conclusion 12:34Break the Rules 01:41
Building a Portfolio Of Work 06:05
Building a Following on Social Media 03:47
Farewell 01:0101. Introduction 1. Welcome! 2. How to Use the Q&A 3. Tools of the Trade 4. Anyone Can Learn to Paint 4.1 amphibian creature final layers.psd.psd.rar 4.2 amphibian creature template.psd.psd.rar 5. How to Stay Motivated
02. Tool Basics 1. Choosing Your Software 2. Canvas Settings 3. Main Tools in Procreate 4. Main Tools in Photoshop 5. Making Things Simpler Through Interface Settings
03. Digital Tools 1. Understanding Your Tools 2. Layers and Opacity 3. Layer Blend Modes 4. Selection Tool 5. Adjustment Settings 6. Blurs and Smudge Tool 6.1 Untitled_Artwork 39.psd.psd.rar
04. Brushes 1. The Brush Fallacy 2. Sketching Brushes 3. Painting Brushes 4. Texture Brushes 5. Special Brushes 6. Brush Settings 7. Making Custom Brushes
05. Basic Painting Skills 1. The Importance Of Mastering the Fundamentals 2. Mastering Pressure Sensitivity 3. Mastering Values 4. Mastering Composition 5. Mastering Edge Control 5.2 Untitled_Artwork 36.psd.psd.rar
06. The Basics of Light and Color 1. The Inseprability Of Light and Color 2. The Science Of Light 3. Local Colors 4. The Saturation Problem 5. Warm and Cool Colors 6. Shadows 6.1 Untitled_Artwork 38.psd.psd.rar 7. Reflected Light and Ambient Occlusion 7.1 Untitled_Artwork 37.psd.psd.rar
07. Painting Excercises 1. Painting is About Problem Solving 2. Painting Shiny Surfaces 2.1 Untitled_Artwork 26.psd.psd.rar 3. Painting Subsurface Scattering 3.1 Untitled_Artwork 29.psd.psd.rar 4. Painting Glowing Objects 4.1 Untitled_Artwork 27.psd.psd.rar 5. Painting Water 5.1 Untitled_Artwork 30.psd.psd.rar 6.1 Untitled_Artwork 28.psd.psd.rar
08. Different Painting Styles 1. Different Ways to Paint 2. Finding Your Style
09. Cell Shading Style 01. Cell Shaded Art 01.2 Untitled_Artwork 31.psd.psd.rar 02. Underdrawing 03. Tightening the Underdrawing 04. Refined Drawing 05. Final Line Art 06. Flat Colors 07. Two Tone Shading 08. Thee Tone Shading 09. Highlights 10. Background 11. Overlay Effects 12. Texture Layers
10. Inking Style 1. Inked Art 1.1 Untitled_Artwork 32.psd.psd.rar 2. Penciling 3. Refined Pencils 4. Inking Layer 5. Local Colors 6. Shadows and Lighting 7. Background and Final Effects
11. Cutout Style 1. Cutout Paintings 1.1 Untitled_Artwork 33.psd.psd.rar 2. Choosing and Preparing your Sketch 3. Cutting Out the Shapes 4. Cleaning up the shape 5. Adding simple line art 6. Shadows and lightning 7. Markings and Textures 8. Overlays and Background
12. Photorealistic Style 01. Photorealistic Paintings 01.1 Untitled_Artwork 35.psd.psd.rar 02. Rough Drawing 03. Refined drawing 04. Final Drawing 05. Local Colors 06. Rough shadow 07. Lights 08. Deep Shadows 09. Highlights 10. Photorealistic Markings 11. Secondary Light Source and reflected light. 12. Adding a background 13. Adding photo textures 14. Integrating the Texture 15. Finishing touches 16. Depth of Field
13. Painterly Style 1. Painterly Digital Paintings 1.2 Untitled_Artwork 34.psd.psd.rar 2. Rough Sketch 3. Rough Colors and Values 4. Refining the painting 5. Final effects
14. Conclusion 1. Break the Rules 2. Building a Portfolio Of Work 3. Building a Following on Social Media 4. Farewell

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