Release date:2018, September

Duration:01 h 45 m

Author:Stephane Wootha Richard

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

If you are interested in composition, this video is a 1h45 talk about the underlying principles of composition as I understand them.

For me, the big leap forward as an illustrator and a concept artist happened when I seriously started to learn composition. From brushwork to concept design through painting, it unlocked many doors that previously seemed impossible to open.

In this course, after discussing the different elements that participate in the composition of an image, I’m picking various examples from great masters such as Richard Schmid, John Singer Sargent, Jean-Léon Gérôme, John William Waterhouse or even Akira Kurosawa and Alfred Hitchcock to illustrate these principles.

By the end of the video, I’m proposing you a daily exercise to help you improve your intuitive understanding of composition.

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