Release date:2018, September 25

Duration:02 h 21 m

Author:Nick Harauz

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Online video ads are essential for advertising any business, no matter how big or small. Video opens up a wider audience and creates an emotional impact that static text and images just can’t beat. But what do you do after production is wrapped? How do you edit the raw video into a compelling ad and get it in front of customers? In this course, join veteran video editor Nick Harauz as he takes you through the steps to edit and distribute your online ad through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Nick shows how to add polish with effects, graphics, and color correction; export and upload your video to different marketing channels; and measure your video’s success and your return on investment. By the end of the course, you’ll know how to edit and deliver a polished online video ad of any length or style.

Note: This course uses HitFilm Express but the lessons apply equally well to any video-editing software, including Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. Watch part one of the training for tips on scripting and shooting video.

Topics include:

Video editing fundamentals

Editing audio

Adding effects, titles, and graphics

Adjusting the color

Uploading your video to different platforms

Marketing your video

Measuring success
Table of Contents


Online video ad post-production wrap up 1m 35s

1. Edit Your Online Ad

Fundamentals of video editing 2m 48s

Watch your video and take notes 4m 35s

Import video clips 5m 15s

Organize files 6m 34s

Assemble a rough edit: Dialogue 8m 45s

Assemble a rough edit: B-roll 9m 34s

Trim clips and fine-tune 6m 13s

Work with audio: Deal with bad audio 8m 56s

Work with audio: Monitor levels 7m 9s

Export a review copy and get feedback 5m 59s

2. Add FX and Graphics

Transitions 7m 15s

Incorporate effects 5m 54s

Titles 8m 17s Adjust color 5m 50s

3. Upload and Market

Export and upload your video 6m 55s

Captions 5m 40s

Clickable overlay graphics 3m 49s

Review your video ad’s objectives 2m 26s

Marketing strategies: Part 1 6m 2s

Marketing strategies: Part 2 3m 13s

Measure your video’s success 5m 24s

Learn from your ad’s strengths and weaknesses 12m 28s

Conclusion Next steps 49s

1.Introduction 01.Online video ad post-production wrap up

2. Edit Your Online Ad 02.Fundamentals of video editing 03.Watch your video and take notes 04.Import video clips 05.Organize files 06.Assemble a rough edit – Dialogue 07.Assemble a rough edit – B-roll 08.Trim clips and fine-tune 09.Work with audio – Deal with bad audio 10.Work with audio – Monitor levels 11.Export a review copy and get feedback

3. Add FX and Graphics 12.Transitions 13.Incorporate effects 14.Titles 15.Adjust color

4. Upload and Market 16.Export and upload your video 17.Captions 18.Clickable overlay graphics 19.Review your video ads objectives 20.Marketing strategies – Part 1 21.Marketing strategies – Part 2 22.Measure your videos success 23.Learn from your ads strengths and weaknesses

5.Conclusion 24.Next steps


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