Release date:2016, February 24

Duration:00 h 43 m

Author:Darrin Lile

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Blender is a free, open-source program that allows artists to create stunning imagery on a budget. Its texture painting tools are ideal for game asset texturing, and the resulting texture maps play well with a variety of engines. In this quick course, Darrin shows you how to paint textures directly on your 3D objects, bake texture maps in Blender, and use them in game engines like Unity. These texturing techniques are useful for both animation and games.

Table of Contents


Welcome 49s

What you should know 43s

Using the exercise files 33s

1. Setting Up the Interface

Organizing the scene 4m 58s

Face masking and the fill brush 6m 1s

Sampling colors 5m 7s

2. Texture Painting

Adding paint layers 4m 36s

Smooth stroke and Jitter 2m 55s

Adding a brush texture 8m 3s

3. Baking the Color Map

Baking the color map 7m 49s

Testing the color map in Unity 1m 5s

Conclusion Next steps 46s

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