Release date:2015, December 17

Duration:01 h 29 m

Author:David Andrade

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

With its free, professional-grade toolset, Blender gives 3D artists the ability to animate and tell stories they only dreamed of in the past. In this course, you will learn to use Blender to breathe life into a character and tell a story with animation and dialogue. The goal of the course will be to combine video references with the principles of character animation to create a walking, talking animated person: Arthur, a disgruntled office worker and thwarted musician. You’ll learn how to use Blender’s animation tools, work with a dialog track, and flesh out and light the scene. Your guide, David Andrade, will provide tips to help you imagine your own character’s inner life and an overview of the post-production process for rendering the final video.

Topics include:

Listening to the dialog clip

Sketching out the animation framework

Learning how character and facial rig works

Blocking key character poses

Getting feedback

Adjusting appendages

Matching dialog to the animation

Cleaning up frames with the Graph Editor

Lighting and rendering the animation
Table of Contents


Welcome 1m 21s

Using the exercise files 31s

Prerequisites 27s

1. Where it All Begins, Storytelling, and Planning

Listen to the dialog clip and sketch it out 2m 36s

Create a video for your reference 2m 17s

Sketch out the animation framework 6m 44s

2. Meet Arthur

Set up the Blender interface for character animation 2m 19s

Get to know Arthur and how character rigs work 4m 58s

Explore Arthur’s face and how facial rigs work 2m 59s

How to troubleshoot common errors in Blender 4m 46s

3. Character Animation

Block out the character’s key poses 3m 59s

How to effectively apply the concept of timing 3m 59s

Prepare the animation for viewing and sharing 3m 8s

The importance of feedback 2m 22s Begin the rebuilding process 4m 16s

4. Refine the Details

Tweak the body movements 4m 53s

Adjust the appendages 5m 25s

Manipulate the complex face with a few controls 3m 49s

Work with the dialog to match the animation 5m 19s

Clean up key frames with the Graph Editor 3m 21s

Polish off the end result 4m 3s

5. A Brief Overview of Render

Settings in Blender Use Cycles to render the final animation scene 6m 12s Effectively light the animation 3m 58s

Final rendering and postproduction 4m 45s

6. And It Never Ends Where to go from here 41s

00. Introduction 01 – Welcome 02 – Using the exercise files 03 – Prerequisites

01. Where it All Begins, Storytelling, and Planning 04 – Listen to the dialog clip and sketch it out 05 – Create a video for your reference 06 – Sketch out the animation framework

02. Meet Arthur 07 – Set up the Blender interface for character animation 08 – Get to know Arthur and how character rigs work 09 – Explore Arthurs face and how facial rigs work 10 – How to troubleshoot common errors in Blender

03. Character Animation 11 – Block out the characters key poses 12 – How to effectively apply the concept of timing 13 – Prepare the animation for viewing and sharing 14 – The importance of feedback 15 – Begin the rebuilding process

04. Refine the Details 16 – Tweak the body movements 17 – Adjust the appendages 18 – Manipulate the complex face with a few controls 19 – Work with the dialog to match the animation 20 – Clean up key frames with the Graph Editor 21 – Polish off the end result

05. A Brief Overview of Render Settings in Blender 22 – Use Cycles to render the final animation scene 23 – Effectively light the animation 24 – Final rendering and post-production

06. And It Never Ends 25 – Where to go from here Ex_Files_Finished_Char_Animation.7z info.txt

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