Release date:2018
Duration:03 h 55 m
Author:Dave Bergin
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Hey it’s Dave from CG Shortcuts, Welcome to the Course!
I’m a freelance 3D and Motion Graphics Artist based in London where I’ve been working and teaching in the industry for over 10 years.
In this course I’ll show you how to create this looping photo-real 3D animation in Cinema 4D, which I’m calling the Jellybean Factory.
This kind of animation is super popular on Instagram and other social media at the moment so it’s going to be great for your online portfolio!
By the end of this course you’ll level up your Cinema 4D skills and be able to create your very own looping 3D animation.
All you need is Maxon Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects – don’t worry if you don’t have them because you can download a free domo to start learning straight away.Introduction 1:16
Modeling the Jar 11:23
Modeling the Jelly Bean 6:30
Modeling the Platform 1:54
Camera and Scene Setup 4:42
Animation with Effectors 5:36
Dynamics 22:57
Lighting 9:05
Texturing 14:56
Rendering 4:10
Compositing 5:59
Upload to Instagram 2:23
BONUS: Octane Setup 13:54
Thanks for Watching! 0:2901. Introduction 02. Modeling the Jar 03. Modeling the Jelly Bean 04. Modeling the Platform 05. Camera and Scene Setup 06. Animation with Effectors 07. Dynamics 08. Lighting 09. Texturing 10. Rendering 11. Compositing 12. Upload to Instagram 13. BONUS: Octane Setup 14. Thanks for Watching!
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