Release date:2018
Duration:05 h 04 m
Author:Film VFX
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
Welcome, you will learn visual effects techniques in After Effects to create futuristic interfaces to add to your sci fi scenes and increase the production value of your film.
Course Introduction 0:10
Turning Globe 23:52
Gauge 33:53
Radar 69:48
Add visual Sound waves and elements 16:09
Text effect 15:38
World Map 19:22
Video feed of special operations 4:56
Bringing them all together 18:21
Sniper Scope look 15:05
CCTV / Security Camera look 31:01
Military Night Vision Goggles 55:1701. Course Introduction 02. Turning Globe 03. Gauge 04. Radar 05. Add visual Sound waves and elements 06. Text effect 07. World Map 08. Video feed of special operations 09. Bringing them all together 10. Sniper Scope look 11. CCTV – Security Camera look 12. Military Night Vision Goggles

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
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