Release date:2014, February 8

Author:Bill Perkins

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Building Your Personal Style | Part 1 with Bill Perkins

In this video lesson, we are pleased to bring you recordings from an NMA Workshop with Bill Perkins from February 2014. In this workshop, Bill tackles the intimidating and complex subject of building one’s own personal style. In this first part, Bill gives an introduction to understanding style and how we as a society as well as individually develop our own sense of what we find aesthetically appealing. You will learn the importance of understanding various art forms throughout history, and how to create visual connotation with your work to create a story. This lesson will conclude with an assignment to help you practice the concepts you have learned so far. Stay tuned for the release of the remaining parts of this workshop!

Building Your Personal Style | Part 2 with Bill Perkins

In this video lesson, we are pleased to bring you recordings from an NMA Workshop with Bill Perkins from February 2014. In this workshop, Bill tackles the intimidating and complex subject of building one’s own personal style. In this second part, Bill goes further into the fundamentals covered in Part 1. He will begin with an analysis of the primary elements of design throughout history, examining various periods of art and their use of Line, Mass, and Form. He will then cover Major and Minor Keys, and how to create tonal clarity within your work. Bill will also show many examples of his design work for various films, and will discuss the choices he made to create distinguished styles for each. This lesson will conclude with an assignment to help you practice the concepts you have learned. Stay tuned for the release of the remaining parts of this workshop!

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