Release date:2019, April 11

Author:Arvid Schneider

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Arvid Schneider is an established artist, who has been working in the professional VFX industry for more than 10 years. He has worked on big blockbusters like Captain Marvel, Aquaman, Ready Player One, Jurassic World, Transformers and many more.

With his knowledge and expertise, Arvid has prepared a detailed course to get to know and understand the industry standard lighting and look development software Katana. This course will help you to jump-start your career by becoming an advanced lighting and shading TD in today’s competitive industry.


This course is tagged for all levels – but it gets Intermediate and Advanced fairly quickly!

This is a technical and artistic course which means that it will contain quite a lot of theory, bit also artistic hands-on lectures.

This course is using Katana for Windows and Arnold as the main software tools. (But all topics can be achieved on Linux or Mac workstations, the same applies for other renderers).

Mastering Katana

Gain real production insights

Fully understand how to work within Katana and to understand important workflows

Create your own powerful macros and templates to organize your work

Technical course on how to create advanced templates within Katana

Advanced LookDev and Lighting practices

Opscripts, Graph State Variables, Reference Expressions, Macros, Live Groups, Variable Switches

Brief Overview

Introduction to Katana – installation, navigation, UI

Principles of Look Development and Lighting

Creating advanced and versatile Look and Lighting templates

Look development of production assets

Shot lighting of production assets

Rendering shots



You will be able to fully work with Katana at a high level.

Directly jump into a VFX company with advanced knowledge in templates and workflows.

Create and customize custom workflows.

Develop tools and macros.

What this course is NOT

Not teaching a specific renderer (Course is applicable to other renderers).

Not about modelling, texturing or animation.

Will not teach about Python or Lua or other programming languages.

01. Introduction 01. Introduction 02. Preparation and Installation 03. Installing Arnold for Katana 04. Environment Variables 05. Adding Additional Resources

02. Katana – Fundamentals 06. Introduction 07. Configuration and Layout 08. Navigating and Viewing 09. Dataflow 10. Structuring the Template 11. Lookdev and Lighting Principles 12. Preparation of Upstream Departments

03. Arnold Overview 13. Introduction 14. Cross DCC Plugins – MtoA, KtoA, HtoA, C4DtoA, MAXtoA 15. Fundamentals of Arnold Course

04. Look Development 16. Introduction 17. Arnold Shading Node Shortcut Extension 18. Basic Look Development Workflows 19. Child Materials and Automatic Assignments 20. Basic Principles and KLF Baking 21. Turntable Template Setup 22. Lighting Template for Lookdev

05. Lighting 23. Introduction 24. Introduction to Gaffer 25. Introduction to Monitor and Catalog 26. Arbitrary Output Variables – AOVs 27. Render Outputs

06. Katana – Advanced 28. Introduction 29. Adding Resolutions 30. Interactive Render Filter IRF 31. Expressions 32. Variable Switches 33. Graph State Variables 34. Live Groups 35. Macros 36. Opscripts

07. Katana – Becoming the Master 37. Introduction 38. Lookdev Template 39. Asset Lookdev 40. Lighting Template 41. Shot Lighting 42. More Shot Lighting 43. Render Passes 44. Comping Those Shots

08. Additional Lectures 45. Introduction

[Udemy] Katana – Mastering LookDev and Lighting For the VFX Industry with Arvid Schneider.7z [Udemy] Katana – Mastering LookDev and Lighting For the VFX Industry with Arvid Schneider_Subtitles.7z

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