Release date:2019, April 8

Author:World of Level Design

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

No more default Static Meshes or Static Meshes created by others!

You must be tired of re-using default assets.

I was.

I was tired of searching for the “perfect” Static Meshes to use in my projects. I knew what I wanted, so why couldn’t I just create it?

“No problem”, I said. I’ll just create what I need.

But I was in for a rude awakening. I wasn’t ready for the amount of technical knowledge I had to learn. There was so much work involved!

Custom Static Mesh process involves multiple software and specific guidelines to follow for each step of the pipeline. You’ll need to make sure your 3d modeling software is set up correctly for matching the scale and grid spacing to UE4. You’ll need to model a low-poly and a high-poly mesh, UV for textures and for lightmaps, set hard/soft edges, bake Normal maps, bake Ambient Occlusion maps, create textures, materials, custom collisions, export/import using specific settings while problem-solving at every single step of the way.

The process itself is actually very straight forward once you’ve gone through it a couple of times. The problem is getting there. Learning what to do for each step of the pipeline is what takes so much time.

You no longer have to figure it out on your own.

This course is for you!

“UE4: Custom Static Mesh Formula” tutorial series is going to show you how to create your own custom Static Meshes and finally master this process.

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