n-Track Studio是一款专业的多音轨录音软件,主要面向录音棚等专业用户,拥有非常专业的高品质录音、编码、混音和音频编辑功能,能够记录、编辑、覆盖您的音轨和应用效果,并且支持处理音频实时输入、混合,并刻录音频CD或创建mp3文件。

Windows x86/x64 |文件大小:277M

n-Track Studio将您的电脑变成一个易于使用的多轨音频录音室。它是专业质量音频录制、编码、混音和编辑的完美工具。录制、编辑、配音音轨、应用效果、处理音频现场输入、混音并刻录音频CD或创建mp3文件。n-Track Studio是一款音频和MIDI数字多轨录音机,可以将您的计算机转变为一个强大的音频录音室。您可以录制、回放、覆盖音轨,利用当今电脑的灵活性和功能来应用效果、实时输入处理、自动辅助通道发送和返回、破坏性和非破坏性波形编辑。该计划支持24位-192千赫录音,64位混合,多通道声卡,现场输入处理,光盘刻录,mp3编码和更多………..

支持的操作系统:Windows 11、10、8

n-Track Studio turns your PC into an easy to use multitrack audio recording studio. It is the perfect tool for professional quality audio recording, encoding, mixing and editing. Record, edit, overdub your audio tracks, apply effects, process audio live input, mix and then burn audio CDs or create mp3 files. n-Track Studio is an Audio and MIDI Digital Multitrack Recorder that transforms your computer into a powerful audio recording studio. You can record, playback, overdub your audio tracks exploiting the flexibility and power of today’s PCs for applying effects, realtime input processing, automated aux channels sends and returns, destructive and non-destructive wave editing. The program supports 24bit-192 khz recording, 64 bit mixing, multiple channels soundcards, live input processing, CD burning, mp3 encoding and more………..

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11, 10, 8

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