Master GameMaker: From coding fundamentals and sprite art to AI, combat, UI design and more in your own RPG

What you’ll learn:
Master the fundamentals of GameMaker Studios 2’s coding language (GML) for dynamic game development.
Gain a solid understanding of GameMaker’s Sprite Editor to bring your characters and worlds to life.
Learn the process of importing sprite sheets effectively to enhance the visual appeal of your game.
Develop skills in creating fluid player movement that enriches the gaming experience.
Discover techniques for basic object animation and sprite importing to animate your game world.
Implement simple enemy A.I. and combat mechanics, making your game challenging and engaging.
Design intuitive user interfaces (UI) and pausing systems that ensure a seamless player interaction.
Translate your game ideas into playable realities, from concept to completion, with practical, step-by-step guidance.

While this course is a beginner friendly, a basic understanding of coding would be helpful. But mainly you just need a passion to learn!

您只需要对编码有基本理解以及对游戏开发的无限热情。希望在 Steam 或主机上发布游戏的经验丰富的开发者也会找到宝贵的见解。您的导师 Reece 已经走过这条路,推出了一款成功的商业 2D 像素游戏。向已经将梦想变为现实的人学习!踏上这个旅程,不仅仅是为了学习,更是为了创造。将您奇妙的想法实现为可玩的现实。这将是具有挑战性、启发性的过程,最重要的是,将会是一次极度有趣的体验。让我们共同创建一些非凡的事物。为什么选择我们?因为我们使艰巨变得可能。从设计用户友好的 UI 和暂停系统到打造玩家永远不想离开的世界,我们是您的游戏开发成功关键。一次性付款,您将获得终身访问。创作者们在建模和编码方面经验丰富,能够清晰阐明复杂概念,同时通过趣味性的方式提供教导。此外,您将获得我们活跃的问答平台的访问权限,我们的讲师、助教和社区随时准备回答您的问题,并为您的成功欢呼。您准备好开始您史诗般的 RPG 编码之旅了吗?立即加入我们,开始在 GameMaker 中构建您的梦想游戏之旅!

由 团队,Reece Geofroy 创作
MP4 | 视频:h264,1280×720 | 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译) | 课程时长:44 讲座(5 小时 12 分钟) | 大小:4.8GB

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