课程名称:掌握Python中的错误处理和异常处理 课程描述:成为Python异常处理专家!在这门综合性的Udemy课程中,你将学习如何处理Python中的错误和异常,以获得编写健壮且无错误的Python代码所需的信心和技能。Learn Python In One Day By Johnnie Walker

Python以其可读性和简单性而闻名,但作为一名程序员,你不可避免地会遇到错误的情况。无论是被零除、访问超出范围的索引还是处理自定义错误条件,了解如何管理这些情况对于专业 Python 开发至关重要。

课程时长:3小时13分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)


错误处理基础知识:通过掌握错误、异常以及它们在 Python 程序中发生的原因的核心概念来开始你的学习之旅。
Try-Except 块:深入研究异常处理,使用 try 和 except 块来捕获特定异常并妥善处理错误。
Else 和 Finally 块:探索 else 和 finally 块,并了解它们如何为你的错误处理策略添加技巧。


希望提高错误和异常处理技能的 Python 开发人员。
寻求编写更干净、更可靠的 Python 代码的学生或专业人士。
准备 Python 面试或编码评估的任何人。


由经验丰富的 Python 开发人员和教育家授课。
学习处理异常和编写干净的 Python 代码的最佳实践。

在本课程结束时,你将能够编写能够优雅地处理错误、避免意外崩溃并确保流畅用户体验的 Python 代码。立即注册,成为 Python 异常处理专家,加入我们踏上掌握 Python 异常处理的旅程!

Python for beginners. All that you need to know

What you’ll learn
Installing the Interpreter
Using the Python Shell, IDLE and Writing our FIRST program
The World of Variables and Operators
Arithmetic Operations in Python
Learn about Lists in Python
Learn about Tupples in Python
Learn about Dictionaries in Python

No Programming knowledge needed. You will learn everything that is needed
A Computer, tablet, phone or anywhere to write the codes

Course Title: Mastering Error Handling and Exception Handling in PythonCourse Description:Become a Python Exception Handling Pro! In this comprehensive Udemy course, you’ll master the art of handling errors and exceptions in Python, giving you the confidence and skills needed to write robust and error-free Python code.Python is known for its readability and simplicity, but as a programmer, you’ll inevitably encounter situations where things go wrong. Whether it’s a division by zero, accessing out-of-range indices, or handling custom error conditions, understanding how to manage these situations is crucial for professional Python development.What You’ll Learn:Fundamentals of Error Handling: Begin your journey by grasping the core concepts of errors, exceptions, and why they occur in Python programs.The Try-Except Block: Dive into exception handling using the try and except blocks. Learn how to catch specific exceptions and gracefully handle errors.The Else and Finally Blocks: Explore the else and finally blocks, and understand how they add finesse to your error handling strategies.Raising Custom Exceptions: Discover how to create and raise custom exceptions, tailored to your specific application needs.Assertions: Learn how to use assert statements to validate conditions in your code and respond with appropriate errors.Real-world Applications: Apply your newfound knowledge to real-world scenarios like input validation, error logging, and managing external resources.Practical Exercises: Put your skills to the test with hands-on exercises and coding challenges. Practice what you’ve learned to reinforce your understanding.Who This Course Is For:Python developers looking to enhance their error and exception handling skills.Students or professionals seeking to write cleaner, more reliable Python code.Anyone preparing for Python interviews or coding assessments.Why This Course?Taught by an experienced Python developer and educator.Packed with practical examples and exercises to reinforce learning.Learn the best practices for handling exceptions and writing clean Python code.Build confidence in tackling common programming challenges with grace.By the end of this course, you’ll be well-equipped to write Python code that gracefully handles errors, avoids unexpected crashes, and ensures a smooth user experience. Join us on this journey to Python exception handling mastery!Enroll now and become a Python Exception Handling Pro!

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