了解如何使用Godot引擎4和GDScript从头到尾创建3D游戏!– 抢先体验,了解如何通过制作炫酷的 3D 视频游戏来充分利用新的 Godot 4 游戏引擎。我们将带您了解 Godot 的基础知识和关键概念。您将使用Godot的内置脚本语言GDScript 来创建有趣的游戏机制。您将学习如何构建3D关卡、环境、角色控制器、敌人和许多其他基本游戏对象。您将使用Tweens、AnimationPlayers 甚至Shaders为您的游戏制作动画!Complete Godot 3D: Develop Your Own 3D Games Using Godot 4

您将在Godot 4中创建3个,是的3个!非常棒的游戏…Project Boost:您的第一个 3D Godot 项目从头开始,用物理控制火箭探索关卡并避开障碍物。野蛮人冲击波:一款塔防游戏,您将学习各种游戏的一系列基本技能,如鼠标控制、敌人、发射射弹、造成伤害、生成游戏对象、制作动画等等。机器人Rampage:第一人称射击游戏,您将学习如何构建自定义内部关卡、使用 AI 的敌人并完善您的 3D 游戏开发技能。无论您是完全的初学者还是之前涉足 Godot,本课程都会为您提供帮助您只需支付一次性费用即可获得完整的终身访问权限。创建者在建模和编码方面具有资格和经验,因此能够清楚地解释复杂的概念,并且一路上充满乐趣。您将可以访问问答,我们的讲师、助教和社区随时准备帮助回答提出您的问题并为您的成功欢呼。Godot 4 是一个令人惊叹的引擎,本课程是深入研究它的最佳场所。

由 GameDev.tv 团队创建,Bram Williams
MP4 | 视频:h264,1280×720 | 音语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)| 课程时长:4小时50分钟| 含课程文件

通过制作 3D 视频游戏,充分利用新的 Godot 4 游戏引擎
制作 3 种不同的精彩游戏,同时学习 Godot 4 的基础知识和关键概念
了解 Godot 的关键概念,例如使用节点、场景、脚本& 信号
了解如何使用 GDScript 进行编程,GDScript 是 Godot 定制的脚本语言 – 非常适合快速制作东西。
了解如何使用 Tweens、AnimationPlayers 甚至 Shaders 为您的游戏制作动画!
了解如何构建 3D 关卡、环境、角色控制器、敌人和许多其他基本游戏对象。

参加本课程的唯一先决条件是能够使用 Windows、Linux 或 Mac 计算机或笔记本电脑。
无论您是绝对的初学者还是有一定的编程或 Godot 经验,本课程都适合您!

Learn how to create 3D games from start to finish in Godot engine 4 and GDScript! – EARLY ACCESS

What you’ll learn
Get the most out of the new Godot 4 game engine by making 3D video games
Make 3 different awesome games, while learning the fundamentals and key concepts of Godot 4
Learn key concepts of Godot such as using Nodes, Scenes, Scripting & Signals
Learn how to program using GDScript, Godot’s tailor-made scripting language – ideal for making things quickly.
Learn how to animate your game with Tweens, AnimationPlayers and even Shaders!
Learn how to build 3D levels, environments, character controllers, enemies, and a host of other essential game objects.

The only prerequisites for taking this course is having access to a windows, Linux, or Mac computer or laptop.
Whether you’re an absolute beginner or have some programming or Godot experience, this course is for you!

Learn how to get the most out of the new Godot 4 game engine by making cool 3D video games.We take you through the fundamentals and key concepts of Godot. You’ll use Godot’s built-in scripting language, GDScript, to create interesting game mechanics.You’ll learn how to build 3D levels, environments, character controllers, enemies, and a host of other essential game objects. And you’ll animate your game with Tweens, AnimationPlayers and even Shaders!You’ll create 3, yes 3!, awesome games in Godot 4…Project Boost: Your first 3D Godot Project from the ground up, controlling a rocket with physics to explore levels and avoid obstacles.Barbarian Blaster: a Tower Defence game where you’ll learn a bunch of essential skills for a variety of games like mouse control, enemies, firing projectiles, dealing damage, spawning game objects, making animations and more.Robo Rampage: First Person Shooter game where you’ll learn how to build custom interior levels, enemies with AI and polish off your 3D game dev skills.Whether you’re a complete beginner or have dabbled in Godot before, this course will have something for you.You’ll get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced with modelling and coding, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.And you’ll get access to the Q&A where our Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Community are ready to help answer your questions and cheer on your success.Godot 4 is an amazing engine and this course is the perfect place to dive into it.

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