学习Python编程是你学习人工智能的第一步。世界经济论坛称,到2025年,人工智能将取代8500万份工作。& nbsp不要被落下!& nbsp& nbsp是时候用一些能让你利用人工智能的东西来提升你的技能了。茁壮成长!欢迎来到人工智能Python编程入门!针对绝对的初学者,我将从头开始教你Python编程语言。& nbsp我们将从下载和安装Python开始,并设置一个开发环境。接下来我会教你Python的绝对入门,比如:VariablesCommentsData & nbsp类型字符串操作simple math之后,我们将进入更中级的主题,例如:赋值运算符列表比较运算符条件语句LoopsFor函数然后,我们将进入更高级的主题,例如面向对象的编程类最后,在课程结束时,我们将开始学习人工智能。& nbsp我来说说OpenAI,ChatGPT的制作者。& nbsp我们会报名参加一个公开赛。帐户,并探索它们的API。我们将构建一个简单的Python程序来连接OpenAI & nbspAPI并允许我们询问他们的AI & nbsp问题并获得答案。& nbsp现在是时候学习一项热门技能,让你走上理解和利用人工智能的道路了。为你工作而不是反对你!里面见!约翰·艾尔德

由John Elder创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:33节课(2小时49分钟)|大小:3.53 GB

人工智能OpenAI API简介


Learn Python Programming as Your First Step To Learning A.I.

What you’ll learn
Python From Beginner To Advanced
Intro To OpenAI API For Artificial Intelligence
Object Oriented Programming
Download and Install Python

No programming skills or special tools are necessary to take this course
You just need a computer with Internet access and a Web Browser

The World Economic Forum says that Artificial Intelligence will replace over 85 Million Jobs by the year 2025.  Don’t get left behind!  It’s time to up your skill set with something that will allow you to leverage AI and thrive!Welcome to Intro To Python Programming For Artificial Intelligence!Aimed at the absolute beginner, I’ll teach you the Python Programming Language from the ground up.  We’ll start by downloading and Installing Python, and setting up a development environment.Next I’ll teach you the absolute beginnings of Python, things like:VariablesCommentsData TypesString ManipulationSimple MathAfter that we’ll move into more intermediate topics, things like:Assignment OperatorsListsTuplesDictionariesComparison OperatorsConditional StatementsWhile LoopsFor LoopsFunctionsThen we’ll move into more advanced topics such asObject Oriented ProgrammingClassesFinally at the end of the course we’ll start to ease into Artificial Intelligence.  I’ll talk about OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT.  We’ll sign up for an OpenAI account, and explore their API.We’ll build a simple Python program that connects to the OpenAI API and allows us to ask their AI questions and get answers.  Now is the time to learn an in-demand skill that will put you on the path to understanding and leveraging AI to work for you and not against you!See you on the inside!-John Elder

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