ChatGPT集成到无代码应用和解决方案中| ChatGPT API |创建6个以上ChatGPT集成|构建4个以上ChatGPT应用,要不要用OpenAI和ChatGPT apps无代码构建?您是否听说过ChatGPT的强大功能,并希望使用它来创建解决方案和应用程序?您是否希望将ChatGPT无缝集成到您的业务应用程序中,如Outlook、Teams、Excel、Power Apps、Power Automate等等?您是否希望构建完整的企业解决方案和使用ChatGPT但不知道从哪里开始的真实web应用程序?你想把OpenAI的API带入你的应用、平台、解决方案或者业务中吗?你想从头到尾用ChatGPT构建完整的真实示例应用和解决方案吗,包括附信生成器、旅行行程规划器、PPT股票生成器,以及创建自己回复邮件的应用?那么这是给你的课程。ChatGPT Masterclass – Build Solutions and Apps with ChatGPT

从超过6小时的相关教学视频内容中学习,这是唯一一门不仅教您如何使用ChatGPT提高工作效率,还教您如何使用ChatGPT从头构建现实生活中的解决方案和应用程序的课程。我们将利用这个令人惊叹的人工智能模型,以及DALL-E等其他OpenAI模型,从头到尾创建商业软件。本课程将教你如何使用OpenAI的API,并将其集成到许多不同的平台中,包括Outlook、Power Apps、Power Automate、Airtable、Bubble等等。然后,我们将利用我们所学的知识,从头开始构建一些实际应用程序和解决方案的示例。这门课程是关于什么的?本课程有一个目标:开始用ChatGPT构建应用程序和解决方案。我们首先学习更多关于OpenAI和ChatGPT的知识,以及如何在我们的平台中使用它的API。然后我们创建一个无服务器的函数,它可以接收ChatGPT提示并返回响应——这是将ChatGPT集成到应用程序中的第一步。之后,我们学习将ChatGPT API集成到许多平台中,如Outlook、Power Apps、Power Automate、Teams、Bubbe、Airtable等等。最后,我们利用我们所学的知识,创建完整的应用程序和解决方案示例,如TravelPlan,这是一个通过ChatGPT的力量帮助用户创建旅程的web应用程序。


什么是ChatGPT?GPT-3是由OpenAI开发的一系列语言生成模型。它的最新形式被称为Davinchi,是我们都知道和喜爱的ChatGPT程序背后的东西。2022年12月,人们开始使用它,并看到它在处理任何即时响应完成问题方面有多么惊人,如“给我写一个冰淇淋公司的口号”或“像我五岁一样给我解释量子计算”,之后它变得流行起来。OpenAI的API是什么?OpenAI为其所有的GPT-3模型提供了一个API(应用程序编程接口),包括ChatGPT和Davinchi。它使任何平台都能够直接与OpenAI的模型对话,这是一个让我们将OpenAI编程到任何我们可以想到的应用程序或解决方案中的工具。,如Outlook、Power Apps等。如何使用ChatGPT API创建业务解决方案或应用程序?我们通过将ChatGPT的API直接链接到应用程序或解决方案构建平台来创建应用程序和解决方案。

例如,我们学习如何将ChatGPT的API集成到Power应用程序中。这样做之后,我们可以使用Power Apps构建任何我们想要的业务应用程序,它现在可以集成ChatGPT。对于我们讨论的所有其他平台来说,情况也是如此。我们将把ChatGPT集成到哪些不同的平台中?我们具体介绍了Outlook、团队、Power Automate、Power Apps、Bubble和Airtable。我们还将介绍如何将ChatGPT添加为Azure函数。这使我们能够将ChatGPT扩展到我们想要的任何单一平台,包括React、Webflow、Zapier、Excel等等。在本课程中,我们将构建哪些应用程序或解决方案?Tchat是一个团队聊天机器人,你可以将它放入你的业务中回答任何问题CoverLetterCreator是一个基于工作描述并从ResumeTravelPlan中读取一组技能的求职信生成器,它使用户能够在指定他们要旅行的地点、他们要去多长时间, 他们想做的事情PhotoPPT -创建用户可以轻松放入幻灯片的图像说不要发送电子邮件,礼貌而专业地拒绝经理的强硬要求为什么学习如何将ChatGPT集成到您的解决方案和应用程序中提高您的工作效率-想象一下ChatGPT为您回复电子邮件或为您的中国之行创建第一份草稿有多容易。 有了ChatGPT,你能做到的。然而,使用聊天功能可能会很烦人,所以为什么不直接将其集成到您最常用的工具中,如Outlook、Excel、Airtable等。建立企业——许多企业已经将人工智能作为他们的核心。

ChatGPT为您打开了创建应用程序和解决方案的大门,这些应用程序和解决方案可以解决ChatGPT可以轻松解决的问题。例如,在本课程中,我们创建了一个求职信生成器应用程序,它根据招聘广告和简历创建求职信。这可以很容易地货币化,并转化为成功的业务。用人工智能取胜——面对现实吧,人工智能就是未来。无论你从事什么工作,将人工智能纳入你的日常工作流程都是至关重要的,因为它可以提高你的效率,改善你的产出。为什么选择这门课程?完整指南-这是关于使用ChatGPT构建解决方案和应用程序的100%从头至尾、从零到英雄、从基础到高级的指南。没有其他课程像它一样从头到尾教会你一切。这不仅涉及到ChatGPT的基础知识,还涉及到你如何将其与其他平台集成。它有6个小时的教学内容!平台驱动——我们涵盖了所有你想引入ChatGPT的流行平台和应用,包括Power Apps、Power Automate、Outlook、Bubble、Airtable等等。我们还展示了如何将ChatGPT API转变为您自己的Azure函数,使您能够在任何地方、任何单个应用程序或解决方案中部署它。

构建成功-本课程旨在帮助您取得成功。我们首先通过ChatGPT的速成课程,然后我们学习如何将ChatGPT集成到不同的平台中,然后我们用这些平台构建现实生活中的应用程序和解决方案。完全指导性的——我们不仅学习重要的概念,而且在构建应用程序时应用它们,以便巩固它们。这不仅是对所有特性和理论概念的演练,也是与您一起实际构建应用程序的课程。一步一步——我们按顺序浏览每一个概念(从学习ChatGPT,将其连接到平台,然后创建示例)。这提高了你学习这些平台来构建解决方案的可能性,而不是随意地浏览每个特性。学会学习——在课程的后半部分,我们会经历遇到新功能或错误的情况,并研究如何使用文档来解决它们。通过这种方式,你不仅可以了解这些平台以及它们如何内外互动,还可以学习如何解决自己的问题。老师的回应如果你还有什么想学的,或者你有什么想不明白的,我随时恭候!看看联系视频的方式。参考资料-跟随!我直接向您提供所有参考资料,以便您可以在学习过程中跟进。课程概述简介-了解课程,如何成功,以及课程关于OpenAI和ChatGPT的roadmap速成课程-了解OpenAI和ChatGPT中的不同模型,它们是如何工作的, 及其功能环境设置-下载并安装您将在本课程中使用的工具使用ChatGPT创建一个无服务器包装API-连接到OpenAI API并创建一个利用ChatGPT的Azure函数将ChatGPT与不同平台集成-了解如何将Open API链接到不同平台,包括Outlook、Power Automate、Power Apps、Bubble、Airtable等使用ChatGPT创建完整的真实解决方案和应用程序-创建4个完整的应用程序和解决方案,包括CoverLetterCreator、StockPhotoPPT、PolitelySayNo、 和TravelPlanIf如果您想学习如何使用ChatGPT和上面提到的其他平台(包括无代码平台)创建企业级应用程序和解决方案,那么这就是适合您的课程。 我们期待着你参加这个课程,并希望你获得证书。

由Henry Habib创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络机译) |时长:84节课(6小时39分钟)|大小:3.8 GB

使用OpenAI API和ChatGPT AI创建完整的业务应用程序和解决方案
将ChatGPT集成到几个业务平台中,比如Outlook、Teams、Excel、Power Automate等等
将ChatGPT集成到几个无代码开发应用程序中,比如Power Apps、Bubble、Airtable和mofre
将ChatGPT API集成到Azure函数中,使您能够将ChatGPT放在任何地方

微软365 Outlook和团队是首选,但不是必需的

希望学习如何将ChatGPT链接到其他应用程序或解决方案构建软件(如Bubble、Airtable、Power Apps等)的学生

Integrate ChatGPT into no-code apps and solutions | ChatGPT API | Create 6+ ChatGPT integrations | Build 4+ ChatGPT apps

What you’ll learn
Create full business applications and solutions with the OpenAI API and ChatGPT AI
The inner workings of OpenAI, chatGPT, its capabilities, advantages, disadvantage, and more
Integrate ChatGPT into several business platforms, like Outlook, Teams, Excel, Power Automate, and more
Integrate ChatGPT into several no-code development applications, like Power Apps, Bubble, Airtable, and mofre
Create a ChatGPT app that replies to your emails in a professional and polite manner
Create a ChatGPT app from scratch that automatically creates real cover letters based on job ads and resumes
Create a ChatGPT app from scratch that plans itineraries based on location, trip length, and interests
Create a ChatGPT chatbot with Teams
Create a ChatGPT app that generates stock photos to be used in pitch presentations and other slide decks
Integrate ChatGPT API into Azure Functions, enabling you to put ChatGPT anywhere

No programming or building experience needed, come hungry to learn
Microsoft 365 with Outlook and Teams is preferred, but not required
A small amount of Python will be used in this course, but everything will be taught as we go

*PLEASE READ BELOW *Do you want to build with OpenAI and ChatGPT apps using no-code?Have you heard about the power of ChatGPT and want to use it to create solutions and applications? Do you want to seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into your business applications, like Outlook, Teams, Excel, Power Apps, Power Automate, and more?Do you want to build full enterprise solutions and real-life web applications that use ChatGPT and don’t know where to start? Do you want to bring OpenAI’s API into your application, platform, solution, or business?Do you want to build full real examples applications and solutions with ChatGPT from beginning to end, including a Cover Letter Generator, a Travel Itinerary Planner, a PPT Stock Generator, and an app that creates its own replies to email?Then this is the course for you. Learn from more than 6 hours of relevant instructional video content, with the only course that will not just teach you how to use ChatGPT to increase your productivity, but also how to build real-life solutions and applications from scratch using ChatGPT. We will leverage this amazing AI model, along with other OpenAI models like DALL-E, to create business software from beginning to end.This course will teach you how to use the OpenAI’s API and integrate it into many different platforms, including Outlook, Power Apps, Power Automate, Airtable, Bubble, and many more. We will then take what we have learned and build some examples of real-life applications and solutions from scratch.What is this course all about?This course has one objective: start building applications and solutions with ChatGPT. We do that by first learning more about OpenAI and ChatGPT, and how to use its APIs in our platforms. We then create a serverless function that can take ChatGPT prompts and return responses – the first step to integrate your ChatGPT into your application. After that, we learn to integrate the ChatGPT API into many platforms, like Outlook, Power Apps, Power Automate, Teams, Bubbe, Airtable, and more. Finally, we take all we’ve learned, and create full applications and solution examples, like TravelPlan, a web application that helps users create itineraries through the power of ChatGPT.What is OpenAI?OpenAI is the company behind ChatGPT – it’s an AI research and deployment company that builds amazing AI models and provides them to the public via API for a per-use fee. It is based out of San Francisco and its investors include Microsoft. In fact, Microsoft has recently invested more than $10B into the company.What is ChatGPT?GPT-3 is a series of Language Generation models that was developed by OpenAI. Its newest form, called Davinchi, is what is behind the ChatGPT program that we all know and love. It grew to popularity in December 2022 after people started using it and seeing how amazing it deals with any Prompt-Response completion questions like “write me a slogan for an ice cream company” or “explain to me Quantum Computing like I’m five years old”.What is OpenAI’s API?OpenAI has an API (Application Programming Interface) for all of its GPT-3 models, including ChatGPT and Davinchi. It enables any platform to talk directly to OpenAI’s model, and this is the tool that lets us program OpenAI into any application or solution that we can think about., like Outlook, Power Apps, and much more.How do you create business solutions or applications using ChatGPT API?We create applications and solutions by linking ChatGPT’s API directly into an application or solution building platform. For example, we learn how to integrate ChatGPT’s API into Power Apps. After we do that, we can build any business application we want using Power Apps and it can now integrate ChatGPT. This is the same case for all the other platforms we cover.What are the different platforms that we will integrate ChatGPT into?We specifically go through Outlook, Teams, Power Automate, Power Apps, Bubble, and Airtable. We also go through how to add ChatGPT as an Azure Function. This enables us to extend ChatGPT to any single platform we want including React, Webflow, Zapier, Excel, and many more.What applications or solutions will we build in this course?Tchat – a Teams chatbot that you can put into your business to answer any questionCoverLetterCreator – a Cover Letter generator based on a job description and reading a set of skills from a ResumeTravelPlan – enables users to create detailed itineraries after specifying a location they are traveling, how long they are going for, and what they want to doStockPhotoPPT – creates images that users can put into their slide decks with easePolitelySayNo – craft emails that politely and professionally say no to tough requests from your managerWhy learn how to integrate ChatGPT into your solutions and applicationsImprove your productivity – imagine how easy it would be for ChatGPT to reply to your emails for you, or to create a first draft on your travel itinerary to China. With ChatGPT, you can do that. However, it may be annoying to use the chat feature – so instead why not integrate it directly into the tools you use most like Outlook, Excel, Airtable, and more.Build businesses – many businesses have had AI at their centre. ChatGPT opens the doors for you to create applications and solutions that solve a problem ChatGPT can easily solve. For example, in this course, we create a Cover Letter Generator app that creates cover letters based on a job ad and resume. This can easily be monetized and converted into a successful business.Win with AI – let’s face it, AI is the future. It is paramount that you include AI in your daily workflows as it can increase your efficiency and improve your output, no matter what job you have.Why choose this course?Complete guide – this is the 100% start to finish, zero to hero, basic to advanced guide on building solutions and applications with ChatGPT. There is no other course like it that teaches you everything from start to finish. This not only goes through the basics of ChatGPT, but also how you integrate it with other platforms. It has 6 hours of instructional content!Platform driven – we cover all popular platforms and applications that you would want to bring ChatGPT into, including Power Apps, Power Automate, Outlook, Bubble, Airtable, and more. We also showcase how to turn the ChatGPT API into your own Azure function, enabling you to deploy it anywhere, in any single application or solution.Structured to succeed – this course is structured to help you succeed. We first go through a crash course on ChatGPT, then we learn how to integrate ChatGPT into different platforms, and then we build real life applications and solutions with these platforms.Fully instructional – we not only go through important concepts, but also apply them as we are building our application so that we can solidify them. This is not only a walkthrough of all the features and theoretical concepts, but a course that actually builds applications with you.Step by step – we go through every single concept in a sequential order (from learning about ChatGPT, connecting it to the platforms, and then creating examples. This improves your probabilities of learning these platforms to build solutions rather than going haphazardly through each feature.Learn to learn – during the latter parts of the course, we go through situations where we encounter new features or errors, and work through how we would use the documentation to resolve them. In this way, you not only learn about these platforms and how they interact inside and out, but learn how to resolve your own issues as they come up.Teacher response if there’s anything else you would like to learn, or if there’s something you cannot figure out, I’m here for you! Look at the ways to reach out video.Reference material – follow along! I provide all reference material directly to you so you can follow along in your learning journey.Course overviewIntroduction – learn about the course, how to succeed, and the course roadmapCrash course on OpenAI and ChatGPT – learn about the different models within OpenAI and ChatGPT, how they work, and their capabilitiesEnvironment setup – download and install the tools you will be using in this courseCreate a serverless wrapper API with ChatGPT – connect to OpenAI API and create an Azure function that leverages ChatGPTIntegrate ChatGPT with different platforms – learn how to link Open API to different platforms, including Outlook, Power Automate, Power Apps, Bubble, Airtable, and moreCreate full real solutions and apps with ChatGPT – create 4 full applications and solutions including CoverLetterCreator, StockPhotoPPT, PolitelySayNo, and TravelPlanIf you want to learn how to create enterprise-grade applications and solutions using ChatGPT and other platforms as mentioned above, including ones with no-code, then this is the course for you. We’re looking forward to having you in the course and hope you earn the certificate.Music: Bensound

Who this course is for
Managers and employees who want to integrate ChatGPT into their daily workflows to make their lives easier
Managers and employees who want to improve efficiencies of their teams by integrating ChatGPT into their tools
Anyone who wants to build and monetize full applications and solutions using ChatGPT
Students who want to learn how to link ChatGPT into other application or solution building software like Bubble, Airtable, Power Apps, and more

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