Release date:2022, August

Duration:05 h 17 m

Author:Umut Çıplak

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

What you will learn:

The fundamentals of character design Sketching techniques for character design How to create character concepts from scratch Developing a character’s backstory and personality Creating character turnarounds and model sheets Designing costumes and accessories for characters Bringing characters to life with color theory and shading techniques Tips and tricks for creating dynamic and appealing poses How to export your character designs for use in games, animation, and movies How to develop your own unique style in character design.


No prior experience or advanced skills are required for this course. It is designed to help you develop your character design skills and become proficient in using Photoshop. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in character design and be able to create unique characters effortlessly, even with the simplest of tools. You can use either digital or traditional media for the course, depending on your preference.

This course teaches aspiring artists how to design great characters for games and animation using Photoshop. The course offers step-by-step guidance on creating characters from scratch, with no speeded-up progression. By following the tutorials and practicing, students can develop the fundamental design skills needed to create their own portfolio piece and an original character of their own. The course is designed to help students overcome the struggles of character design by honing their skills through practice and exploration.

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