Release date:2021

Duration:01 h 02 m

Author:Robert Marzullo

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to my class, “Drawing Comic Art – Understanding Line, Shape, and Form.”

This class is designed to help aspiring comic artists develop their skills while learning to simplify the process. You will work with me through each lesson of this class in the same way that I practice improving my comic art skills every day. I don’t just jump into a full page of artwork every time. I get out my sketchbook and I practice the things that I need or want to be better at.

In this class I will be using traditional art supplies. Bristol board smooth, technical pencils (HB + 2H Lead), Kneaded eraser, Parallel Plotter ( Roller Ruler

What you can expect to learn by taking this class!

Line Energy + Line Language

Benefits of Using Primitive Shapes

Rendering Forms + Shading

Creating Variation in Your Studies

Developing Your Style

I hope you enjoy this class and I want to personally thank you for supporting my content here on Skillshare. I am absolutely honored to be your online ART INSTRUCTOR!

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