Release date:2019, February

Duration:07 h 53 m

Author:Reuben Ward

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

Create a Battle Royale game like Fortnite

Integrate Steam into our game

Learn basic coding principals using Unreal Engine 4’s Blueprint system

Learn general Game Development ideas


PC running Windows 10

Unreal Engine knowledge will help but is not required

Description Why does this course need to exist?

Everyone has played a Battle Royale game such as Fortnite. Perhaps you’ve always wondered how to make your own, but found tutorials were too long and didn’t get to the point?

I want to put an end to Game Development being tiresome and boring. That is why at the end of the 8 hour series, you’ll have a fully working Battle Royale game, ready to be built on and made into your own.

That means that depending on your learning speed, you can have a working Battle Royale game completely finished in under a week. The lessons you will learn can be used to go on and make any other type of game you can think of.

How is this possible? Unreal Engine 4 is completely free to use and is a AAA quality engine, used to make games such as Fortnite, Bioshock, Gears of War, and Borderlands. Unreal Engine ships with Blueprints, an industry standard tool that is the perfect gateway into the games industry for a beginner with no technical knowledge.

Think of Blueprints as driving an automatic car: you’ll be able to learn all the correct skills and concepts, without any extra distractions. It will also put you in a great position to go on to learn the more technical C++ language, if that is what you choose.

Who is the teacher? The course is fully developed by Reuben Ward, who has been working professionally as an Unreal Engine Game Engineer, and has over 2 years experience working professionally developing Battle Royale games. He also has plenty of experience teaching game development, and his video tutorials have received over 1,500,000 views on YouTube.

I understand how difficult Game Development can be when getting started, and that is why I love to take the technical boring parts of game development and make them as simple as possible. I hope you’ll join me in making your own Battle Royale game!

Who is the target audience? Beginner Game Developers wanting to create their own Battle Royale Game

01 Setting up Unreal Engine 001 Creating our First Project 002 Assets.7z 002 Setting up our projects assets

02 Character and Weapons 003 Creating our Character 004 Adding Multiple Weapons 005 Shooting and Ragdoll death 006 Damage and Health 007 Weapon Ammo

03 Weapon Pickups and Loot 008 Creating Ammo and Health Pickups 009 Creating Weapon Pickups

04 UI and Spectator System 010 Health Bar and Weapon HUD 011 Adding a spectator system

05 Plane and Safe Zone 012 Creating the Airplane 013 Adding the Spawn Island 014 Safe Zone Part 1 015 Safe Zone Part 2 016 Creating the Map UI

06 Creating Matchmaking 017 Creating the Main Menu 018 Creating the Matchmaking System 019 019 Integrating Steam

07 Packaging our Game 020 Adding the finishing touches 021 Packaging the game

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