Release date:2020, August 8

Author:Darrin Lile

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Using motion capture data in Blender is a great way to create amazing animations, and it has never been easier to get started. In this course you’ll learn how to create, import, and configure motion capture data to be used in Blender.

To do this we will need a character, so we’ll use Character Creator 3 to quickly create a character to be used for this process. You can also just download the finished character, or use a character of your own.

We will then import the character into Blender and set-up the rig using a Blender add-on called Auto-Rig Pro. It has some great tools to retarget the motion capture data to the character, and to adjust the character to get good looking animation.

Next we’ll use the Perception Neuron motion capture suit to create character animations. It’s a relatively low-cost system that allows you to get some really nice motion capture for your characters. But in a lecture at the end of the course, I’ll also show you how to use a pre-made motion capture file downloaded from the Mixamo website.

In the next section you’ll learn how to import the motion capture file and retarget it to your Blender character. We’ll talk about how to create a Bones List preset file and how to use Auto-Rig Pro’s Interactive Tweak tool to adjust the rig for better animation. And we will do a bit of Weight Painting to fix any deformation issues.

Finally, you’ll learn how to bring your animated character into an existing scene and render out the final animation to a video file.

01. 01 Introduction 02. 02 Creating a Character in CC3 03. 03 Modifying the Characters Face 04. 04 Bringing the CC3 Character into Blender 05. 05 Removing the CC3 Rig 06. 06 Deleting the Hidden Faces 07. 07 Adjusting the Materials 08. 08 Creating the Reference Bones 09. 09 Placing the Joints 10. 10 Generating the Rig and Binding the Character 12. 12 Parenting the Teeth and Binding the Tongue 13. 13 Adjusting the Shirt and Parenting the Hat 14. 14 Putting on the Motion Capture Suit 15. 15 Connecting the Suit in Axis Neuron 16. 16 Calibrating the Suit 17. 17 Recording Motion and Exporting a Take 18. 18 Importing the Motion Capture File 19. 19 Building the Bones List 20. 20 Retargeting and Interactive Tweaks 21. 21 Fixing Deformation Problems 22. 22 Placing and Parenting a Prop 23. 23 Bringing the Character into an Existing Scene 24. 24 Animating the Camera in Blender 25. 25 Rendering the Animation 26. 26 Retargeting Mixamo Animations 27. 27 Conclusion

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