Release date:2019, July 16

Duration:02 h 27 m

Author:Eran Stern

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Adding 3D elements is becoming a mandatory component in every motion graphics piece. Luckily, After Effects has you covered. Whether you’re animating a logo or building a full environment, you’ll be amazed how much you can achieve without leaving the interface. In this course, Eran Stern introduces the built-in options and third-party plugins for 3D modeling, lighting, and animation in After Effects. Learn how to build 2D and 3D composites, extruded text, accurate reflections, particle animation, and realistic 3D characters using tools like Cinema 3D Lite, Mixamo, and Elements 3D. Eran also introduces a challenge to help you practice your 3D skills. By the end, you’ll know about the different 3D rendering engines in After Effects and how you can expand them with third-party plugins.

Topics include:

3D camera tracking

Extruding text

Texturing with reflection

Compositing 3D and 3D

Adding particles

Comparing third-party plugins

Creating an animated 3D character with Mixamo

Importing your work in Element 3D

Compositing 3D elements

01.Introduction 01.01.Working with 3D in After Effects 01.02.What you should know 01.03.Using the exercise files

02.The Built-In Tools 02.04.Tracking in 3D 02.05.Replacing titles 02.06.Extruding text 02.07.Adding lights and shadows 02.08.Reflecting the environment 02.09.Adding a 3D object 02.10.Exporting to Cinema 4D 02.11.Matching position 02.12.Compositing 3D and 2D 02.13.Adding snow particles 02.14.Render the result

03.Comparing Plugins 03.15.Third-party options 03.16.Same model, different results

04.Creating an Animated 3D Character 04.17.Download a free model 04.18.Using Mixamo 04.19.Export from Blender 04.20.Export from Cinema 4D

05.Integrate 3D Objects Using Element 05.21.Tracking the shot 05.22.Import to Element 05.23.Matching movement sharpness 05.24.Matching light and shadows 05.25.Environment and reflection 05.26.Composite ripples and waves 05.27.Composite small splashes 05.28.Adding final touches 05.29.Summary

06.Challenge 06.30.Challenge Objective 06.31.Challenge Solution

07.Conclusion 07.32.Next steps


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