Release date:2018, February


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Retouching hair is an advanced skill and poses a constant challenge for even the top commercial retouchers. Hair is complex by nature. It can be fine, thick, corse, smooth and often out of focus. In over 10 years of high end commercial retouching, Sef McCullough has developed a variety of systematic and repeatable methods for cleaning up, isolating and extracting hair in Photoshop. Join Sef in his second RGG EDU tutorial where Sef gives an in-depth look at his ground-breaking processes and workflows for retouching hair. These methods are what sets him apart and puts him in front of the most demanding clients in the world.

In this post production-only tutorial you get access to every step of Sef’s advanced hair retouching workflow. He begins with a basic cleanup of hair, providing an overview and introduction to the hair retouching process. He then teaches how to create a natural hair edge using advanced masking techniques, channel pulls and custom brushes. Sef goes on to expand upon these techniques demonstrating an advanced hair extraction on difficult, textured hair. Finally, he shows his process of creative color grading on hair.

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