Release date:2023, March

Duration:01 h 36 m

Author:Jake Bartlett

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Greetings to Expressions: Working Smarter in Adobe After Effects. Throughout this course, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide on my frequently used expressions, explaining how they function and how to implement them. Upon completion, you will find expressions less daunting, discover how to handle animation and effects across multiple layers, and depart feeling motivated to discover new ways to utilize them to your advantage!

Expressions can seem daunting at first. I mean, who really enjoys coding? It can be confusing, lacks visual appeal, and isn’t exactly synonymous with animation. However, here’s the thing: if I could offer one piece of advice to those utilizing After Effects to help streamline their workflow, it would be to learn how to use expressions. Seriously! There’s no better way to simplify complex and tedious tasks in After Effects.

This course is designed for those who possess a basic understanding of After Effects, and prior experience with expressions is not necessary. Through these lessons, I’ll teach you everything you need to know to start using expressions effectively.

Here are some of the topics that will be covered:

linear() wiggle() random() gaussRandom() seedRandom() posterizeTime() Variables Arrays Expression Controls Copy with Property Links I look forward to seeing you in class!

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