Release date:2018, April

Duration:02 h 18 m

Author:Stephen Pearson

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

You learn all about the fluid simulation in Blender You will be able to create your own simulations without having to look up tutorials


You should be able to use a pc at a basic level.

It is recommended that you have a little bit of prior experience with Blender 3D


Hello everyone and welcome to the Blender 3D Fluid Simulation Guide. In this course you will learn everything there is to know about the fluid simulation in Blender. We will talk about what you need to make a simulation, how to make it and what the best settings are. In the Section 2 we will be going over the Domain object and what every single setting does. In the next section we will be discussing the fluid types and how they interact with the simulation. After that there is 3 different tutorials in which we create an entire scene with materials, lighting and models. One of the tutorials is the thumbnail for this course! The another one is an animation of fluid going through an obstacle course. In this tutorial we model the obstacles, add materials and lighting, animate the camera and simulate the fluid. If you are looking to advice your skills in this area of Blender this course is perfect for you!

Who is the target audience?

Anyone who want to learn Blender 3D Anyone who wants to learn about simulations in Blender Anyone who wants to advance there skills in Blender
Table of Contents

Introduction 18:45

Introduction 01:09

Blender Basics 09:24

Fluid Simulation Basics 03:39

Baking Cache 02:26

How to Add Physics to Multiple Objects! 02:07

Domain Settings 19:13

Domain Fluid Settings 06:51

Domain World Settings 02:36

Domain Boundary 02:55

Fluid Particles 06:51

How well do you know the Domain? 4 questions

Different Fluid types 39:13

The Fluid Type 04:34

Obstacles 02:18

What is Inflow? 02:42

What is Outflow? 02:46

The Super Cool Control Type 07:27

Realistic Fluid Material 04:56

How well do you know your fluid types? 4 questions

Ocean Modifier 08:09

LinktoHDR 00:16

Ocean Material 06:05

Post Your Ocean Render! 1 question

Water Obstacle Course Tutorial 25:02

Modeling the Obstacles 07:27

Creating the Fluid 04:06

Making the Materials 03:39

Animating the Camera 03:31

Rendering out the Animation 03:27

Sequencing it Out 01:41

UPDATE 2.79 Output Section 01:11

Crashing Through Water Tutorial 13:53

Fluid and Domain Settings 04:47

Adding the Lighting 02:51

Materials 02:30

Finally the Compositing 03:45

Water Room Tutorial 22:23

Before you Start this Section 00:46

Modeling and Adding Models 05:50

Simulating the Fluid 05:11

Lighting 03:56

Materials and Rendering 04:33

Sequencing the Animation 02:07

01 – Trailer Promo 02 – Blender Basics 03 – Fluid Simulation Guide 04 – Baking Cache 05 – How to Add Physics to Multiple Objects 06 – Domain Fluid Settings 07 – Domain World Settings 08 – Domain Boundary 09 – Fluid Particles 10 – Type Fluid 11 – Obstacles 12 – What is Inflow 13 – What is Outflow 14 – Super Cool Type Control 15 – Realistic Fluid Material 16 – Ocean Modifier 17 – Ocean Material 18 – Obstacle Course 1 Modeling 19 – Obstacle Course 2 Fluid 20 – Obstacle Course 3 Materials 21 – Obstacle Course 4 Camera Animation 22 – Obstacle Course 5 Rendering 23 – Obstacle Course 6 Sequencing 24 – Crashing Through Water 1 Simulating 25 – Crashing Through Water 2 Lighting 26 – Crashing Through Water 3 Material 27 – Crashing Through Water 4 Composing 28 – Water Room 1 Models 29 – Water Room 2 Simulating 30 – Water Room 3 Lighting 31 – Water Room 4 Materials 32 – Water Room 5 Sequencing

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