Release date:2018, March
Duration:05 h 19 m
Author:Hardy Fowler
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
I’m calling on all artists out there with a passion for creating cool looking vehicles, robots & weapons – if you’ve ever dreamed of making a career out of this, I’m here to tell you that the dream is real. You can make a living doing this!
All you need is a killer portfolio to launch you into an amazingly fun and rewarding career.
This course can get you there. I’ll show you all of my professional level techniques and tricks that will demystify the entire process of creating hard surface art with Adobe Photoshop. This stuff is way easier than it looks! In an easy to grasp, step by step process, you’ll learn digital painting techniques that will have you amazed at how sophisticated, beautiful and realistic your machine art can be!
But this course is so much more than just a painting demonstration. We’ll teach you everything you need to know to start thinking like a machine designer. To tie it all together, we offer responsive support and loads of other course resources to make sure that every student can take their work to new heights.
You can do this! Don’t miss out on the chance to turn your machine art into a professional level product. It just might lead to a dream career. Enroll today, grab your stylus and let’s paint cool stuff.
Introduction 01:43
Introduction 01:43
Machine Design Concepts & Theories 12:31Overview 02:29
Shape Language 04:48
Form & Function 01:57
Visual Design 03:17
Rendering Exercises 25:32Line & Shape 07:52
Shiny Metal 05:51
Putting it All Together 11:49
Machine Project Briefs 01:52Machine Project Briefs 01:52
Project 1 – Pulse Rifle 39:28Sketch / Concept 09:34
Rough Color 14:16
Adding Photo Textures 04:10
Final Polish 11:28
Project 2 – Corsair 52:56Sketch / Concept 16:37
Rough Color 14:03
Texture & Detail 15:32
Final Polish 06:44
Project 3 – Apogee Spaceship 01:10:46Thumbnails, Concept & Sketch 18:58
Rough Color 15:37
OPTIONAL SIDEBAR – Creating a Splash Background 05:10
Texture & Detail 16:20
Final Polish 14:41
Project 4 – Service Bot 55:21Sketch / Concept 14:17
Rough Color 16:29
Texture & Detail 13:12
Final Polish 11:23
Project 5 – Survey Drone 57:35Sketch & Concept 18:09
Rough Color & Texture 11:33
Texture & Detail 15:20
Final Polish 12:33
Course Recap 01:45 Course Recap 01:451、登录后,打赏30元成为VIP会员,全站资源免费获取!
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