Release date:2018, March 8

Duration:02 h 06 m

Author:Steven Marjieh

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Get up to speed fast with the surfacing capabilities in Siemens NX. Surfaces allow designers to render complex, unique shapes quickly. Siemens NX is one of the most efficient tools for the job. Learn all the basic surface creation tools in this high-end CAD program: reference curves and extruded surfaces, as well as offset, sweep, and fill operations. Learn how to join, split, and trim surfaces, and how to inspect the surfaces you create with the NX analysis tools. By the end of the training course, you will be able to use the surfacing tools of this robust program to build accurate models of a wide variety of products and parts, including those with irregular, freeform shapes.

Topics include:

Data organization in the Part Navigator

Reference datums

Creating splines and curves

Extruding and revolving surfaces


Meshes and fills

Trimming, extending, and combining sheets

Surface analysis
Table of Contents


Scratching the surface with Siemens NX 49s

What you should know 19s

1. Interface and Data Organization

What is a surface or sheet body? 1m 24s

Settings and options 4m 42s

Part Navigator organization 4m 22s

History and edits 3m 26s

2.Reference Elements and Curves

Reference datums 10m 17s

Studio Spline and Bridge Curve 8m 14s

Project and Intersect 4m 22s

Curve in Face and Offset Curve in Face 5m 9s

3.Basic Surfaces

Extrude and Revolve 2m 34s

Sweep along Guide 3m 38s

Swept 9m 29s

Alignment 7m 11s

Mesh Surfaces 9m 4s

Offset Surface 6m 1s

Fill Surface 3m 3s

4. Surface Operations

Sew 2m 10s

Trim Sheet 5m 53s

Trim and Extend and Combine 4m 44s

Extend Sheet and Enlarge 6m 24s

Face Blend 5m 12s

Extract 4m 30s

5. Analysis

Show Poles and Show Knots 3m 45s

Reflection 4m 48s Comb 4m 22s

Conclusion Goodbye 15s

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