Release date:2016, October 12
Duration:02 h 38 m
Author:Luisa Winters
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
Expressions are an incredibly powerful feature in After Effects. They are a way to affect the values of properties using lines of code rather than keyframes. This makes expressions faster and cleaner than traditional animation techniques. In this course, author Luisa Winters demonstrates how to use expressions in Adobe After Effects. Watch and learn how to add and edit expressions, change dimensions like rate and value, and use variables to assign and change values globally. Plus, find out how to use the After Effects Expression Language menu and introduce randomness into expressions for more creative possibilities.
Welcome 1m 20s
Using the exercise files 2m
1. What Are Expressions?Things to keep in mind when adding expressions 4m 59s
Adding expressions 6m 25s
Commenting expressions 2m 4s
Editing expressions manually 4m 1s
Pick-whipping expressions 5m 24s
How to modify an expression you did not create 5m 12s
2. Expression DimensionsChanging the rate of an expression 4m 47s
Changing the value of an expression 9m 32s
Wiggle expression 3m 55s
Music amplitude 6m 12s
Expression controls 3m 28s
Converting an expression to keyframes 3m 3s
Post-Expression Graph with visible expression editor 1m 45s
3. VariablesVariables and arrays 6m 39s
Elements of an array 4m 4s
Using simple variables to adjust just one dimension 3m 8s
Controlling minimum and maximum return values 3m 34s
4. Expression Language MenuUsing the playhead for control 7m 1s
Ease expressions 3m 22s
More wiggle 6m 46s
JavaScript math 5m 10s
Loops 8m 6s
5. Other ExpressionsRandom values 8m 10s
Delay 14m 36s
Amplitude, frequency, and decay 9m 19s
Bounce 4m 22s
“toComp” expression 2m 6s
Conclusion Goodbye 29sE00 – 0 – Introduction.topic E00 – Welcome E01 – Using the exercise files E02 – 1 – 1. What Are Expressions-.topic E02 – Things to keep in mind when adding expressions E03 – Adding expressions E04 – Commenting expressions E05 – Editing expressions manually E06 – Pick-whipping expressions E07 – How to modify an expression you did not create E08 – 2 – 2. Expression Dimensions.topic E08 – Changing the rate of an expression E09 – Changing the value of an expression E10 – Wiggle expression E11 – Music amplitude E12 – Expression controls E13 – Converting an expression to keyframes E14 – Post-Expression Graph with visible expression editor E15 – 3 – 3. Variables.topic E15 – Variables and arrays E16 – Elements of an array E17 – Using simple variables to adjust just one dimension E18 – Controlling minimum and maximum return values E19 – 4 – 4. Expression Language Menu.topic E19 – Using the playhead for control E20 – Ease expressions E21 – More wiggle E22 – JavaScript math E23 – Loops E24 – 5 – 5. Other Expressions.topic E24 – Random values E25 – Delay E26 – Amplitude, frequency, and decay E27 – Bounce E28 – -toComp- expression E29 – 6 – Conclusion.topic E29 – Goodbye

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