Release date:2017, October
Duration:04 h 19 m
Author:Dragan Neskovic
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn? Use Godot to develop games.
Requirements You should have a PC.
In this course we will go through one of my personal favorite game engine – Godot.
Godot is an open source game engine, which is pretty amazing considering just how awesome it is.
We will go step by step through the features of Godot. Then, when we are comfortable with the engine we will start by creating some games.
First we will create a two player game – Pong.
Afterwards we will create a clone of Super Mario Brothers. You will be provided all the necessary assets such as the Character sprites, environments etc. So that you can follow along the course without any problems.
You will learn and understand just how games work and how small details function, such as collisions and character movement.
We will use Vector math to calculate collisions, we will create our own physics for our game, so that we have full control of the game world.
All this, and more, will be covered in this course.Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wishes to learn game development.
Anyone who wants to learn a new and exciting engine.
Anyone who wants to learn programming.Introduction 25:19
Introduction 05:20
Our first program – Hello world! 10:36
Hello world, part 2. 09:23
Creating Pong in Godot! 48:25Project set up. 05:37
Pad Movement. 10:08
Pad Movement – part 2. 04:09
Pad Collision. 05:01
Ball Movement. 12:14
Finishing Up. 11:16
Creating a Mario Clone in Godot. 03:05:35Setting up 2D Character Movement. 15:10
Setting up the Jump and Player Collisions. 11:25
Limiting The Jump and Flipping the Player. 06:19
Animating the Player. 14:13
Polishing the Player Animations. 07:01
Designing our First Level 09:15
Reference Level. 00:20
Camera Follow and Level Design 08:14
Fixing the wall movement bug. 05:30
Destroying Bricks. 07:57
Player Scene. 04:33
Particle Effects. 11:57
Clouds, Pipes, Groups and Bug Fixes. 07:28
Creating the Power Up. 05:53
Power Up Script. 12:02
Picking up The Power Up. 09:05
Power Up Brick. 09:34
Completing the Power Up Code. 09:39
Falling Into Pits. 03:22
Creating Our First Enemy. 09:35
Enemy AI. 08:38
Invincibility Frames! 08:16
More to come! 00:091. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Our first program – Hello world! 3. Hello world, part 2.
2. Creating Pong in Godot! 1. Project set up. 1.1 2. Pad Movement. 3. Pad Movement – part 2. 4. Pad Collision. 5. Ball Movement. 6. Finishing Up.
3. Creating a Mario Clone in Godot 01. Setting up 2D Character Movement. 02. Setting up the Jump and Player Collisions. 03. Limiting The Jump and Flipping the Player. 04. Animating the Player. 05. Polishing the Player Animations. 06. Designing our First Level 08. Camera Follow and Level Design 09. Fixing the wall movement bug. 10. Destroying Bricks. 11. Player Scene. 12. Particle Effects. 13. Clouds, Pipes, Groups and Bug Fixes. 14. Creating the Power Up. 15. Power Up Script. 16. Picking up The Power Up. 17. Power Up Brick. 18. Completing the Power Up Code. 19. Falling Into Pits. 20. Creating Our First Enemy. 21. Enemy AI. 22. Invincibility Frames!

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