Release date:2018, January 31
Duration:08 h 51 m
Author:Aaron F. Ross
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
3ds Max is a powerful, deep, and multifaceted program, so there’s always more to learn. This weekly series aims to keep you on top of the latest tools and techniques, and introduces fresh perspectives on traditional methods for architectural and product visualization, animation, visual effects, games and virtual worlds, and motion graphics. Instructor Aaron F. Ross presents a new topic every week, spanning the full range of 3D graphics tasks, including modeling, rigging and animation, shading and lighting, camera operation, and rendering. He gives special attention to streamlining workflows, such as automation of time-consuming tasks, so your productions run more smoothly and efficiently. Come back every Wednesday for a new tutorial to expand your 3ds Max knowledge and skills.
000.Welcome 001.What to know 002.Exercise files 003.Modeling a floor plan from a 2D drafting document 004.Modeling terrain with Displace space warp 005.Projecting UVs with the Camera Map world-space modifier 006.Capturing shadows with Arnold Shadow Matte map 007.Rendering compositing passes with Arnold AOVs 008.Mechanical rigging with IK and the LookAt controller 009.Modulating animation with Multiply and Ease Curves 010.Working with audio and the AudioFloat controller 011.Automating with Expression controllers 012.Real-time animation with the Motion Capture utility 013.Stylized rendering with Scanline Ink n Paint 014.Getting started with the Max Creation Graph 015.Modifying a Max Creation Graph tool 016.Sculpting a terrain with Texture Object Mask 017.Building a road with Conform space warp 018.Shading a landscape with Arnold Curvature 019.Creating custom attributes with the Parameter Editor 020.Driving animation curves with the Reaction controller 021.Rendering light groups with Arnold AOVs 022.Rigging a camera-facing matte painting 023.Graphing scene conditions with State Sets Compositor 024.Aligning a camera to a background with Perspective Match 025.Projecting a photo to proxy geometry with Camera Map 026.Automation with wire parameters and manipulators 027.Converting scenes for different renderers 028.Introduction to 3ds Max Fluids 029.Modeling with the Motion Field Space Warp 030.Non-destructive model adjustment with Linked Xform 031.Animating sub-objects with Linked Xform 032.Customize and cycle Path Constraint animation 033.Generate complex motion with Waveform Controllers 034.Illuminate a scene with an Arnold Mesh Light 035.Shading with Maya maps in 3ds Max 036.Varying shader properties by object with Arnold Color Jitter 037.Render a mesh object with Arnold Standard Volume 038.Render a Point Cloud object 039.Setting track value boundaries with a limit controller 040.Drawing curves with Freehand Spline 041.Correcting intersections with Spline Overlap 042.Reducing curve detail with Optimize Spline 043.Resampling curves with Normalize Spline 044.Soft-selecting curves with Spline Influence 045.Blending curves with Spline Morph 046.Combining splines with shape Booleans 047.Approximating global illumination in Arnold 048.Rendering proxies with Arnold procedurals 049.Introduction to the Open Shading Language map 050.Basic syntax of Open Shading Language 051.Declaring OSL input and output parameters 052.Generating a fractal noise pattern in OSL 053.Iterating a for loop in OSL 054.Using the if… else conditional statement in OSL 055.Managing OSL file assets and paths 056.Accelerate Arnold rendering with adaptive sampling 057.Texturing with the Advanced Wood procedural map 058.Art directing the Advanced Wood texture map 059.Setting a fluid initial state 060.In-camera compositing with Camera Map modifier Ex_Files_3DSMax_Q2_2018.rar Ex_Files_3DSMax_Q3_2018.rar Ex_Files_3DSMax_Q3_Q4_2017_Q1_2018.rar INFO.txt
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