Release date:2018

Author:Tom Newbury

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This is the first of 2 tutorials where I go through my process of creating realistic skin for characters.

In this tutorial I will be taking advantage of the fantastic resource, texturing xyz.

I go through the entire process of using these textures, starting with combining the separate levels of detail into a usable rgb map. I do this in both Photoshop and nuke. I then launch into Mari where I give a quick into to the software and then we begin with projecting on the diffuse maps and then the displacement maps.

I also provide a couple of side tutorials which go through my process of creating tile-able textures in photoshop as well as my process of taking the finished displacement maps back into zbrush where we can continue adding details and irregularities.

This is a step by step tutorial separated out into 20 chapters. I don’t skip any parts of the process and I don’t use time lapses at any point.

The software used in this tutorial is:




Even if you are using a different software such as mudbox for texturing, the methods I use in this tutorial should translate over to those packages.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and learn as much as you can about my process.

Your support helps me to bring more tutorials like this to the public!

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