Release date:2019

Author:Alex Ruiz

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This is the entire series of my CGMA course, ‘Fundamentals of Architecture Design’.

Videos cover major types of popular architecture from all around the world, including Asian, Indian, Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, and Futuristic!

These videos are geared towards Entertainment Design. I’m not teaching how to be an architect, but how to quickly sketch specific environments for film, games, tv and all other forms of media.

Each video contains a discussion and in-depth analysis on a specific type of architecture, drawing/painting demos where I explain in depth how to go about sketching and painting these kinds of architecture, demos on how to incorporate photography into your sketches to increase realism, and lastly, discussions on getting your art to a presentable level. All within Photoshop!

Table of Contents


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