C#大师班:在Unity & Blender中制作Rpg和手机游戏
C# Masterclass: Make Rpg & Mobile Games In Unity® & Blender
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语+中英文字幕(机译)|大小解压后:9 GB |时长:41小时43分钟
你曾经想要制作你自己的游戏吗?嗯,你来对地方了!购买本课程后,您将一步一步地了解实现这一目标所需的每个流程。了解如何建立一个Zenda角色扮演游戏和忍者生存手机游戏的传奇!我们的两位天才导师,凯文·廖和格劳科·皮雷斯,从基础的初级水平开始讲解一切。这意味着你不需要任何先前的编码或数字艺术经验就能在这里获得成功。Glauco Pires将带您从头开始在Unity中编写游戏代码。凯文廖将教你如何创建所有的艺术元素,你将需要完成这个游戏
。凯文将在Blender中教授这部分课程,Blender是一个非常棒的免费3D建模程序。最后一节将教你如何在Unity中将你在Blender中创建的艺术整合到游戏中。本课程包括初学者熟悉界面的材料。请注意,我们在类似的课程中重复使用这些材料,因为它们是介绍性材料。你可以在以下相关课程中找到本课程的一些素材:在GameMaker Studio中构建22个游戏, C# Unity & BlenderC# Masterclass:在Unity & BlenderC中制作RPG和移动游戏在Unity和BlenderC中制作忍者生存游戏实用Unity开发人员学院:制作全功能游戏a到Z
Unity开发:用C#编写代码并制作低多边形ArtC#和图像处理Masterclass:制作移动游戏和应用程序专业游戏开发:3D建模和Unity C #在Unity中制作19个低多边形模型和您的第一个3D RPG C #完成Unity和Android开发:构建游戏和应用程序sC# 大师班:在Unity和Blender中制作RPG和手机游戏在Unity和blender中制作“Zenda传奇”游戏在blender中制作3D Unity动作游戏和低多边形建筑28个低多边形模型和一个Unity游戏-完整的3D开发人员参加这样的在线课程的好处是可以随时重播任何讲座。
Make a Zenda Role Player Game and Ninja Mobile Game in Unity® 5.4.3f1. A beginner’s course for aspiring game developers!
What you’ll learn
Build a Ninja Survival game for mobile in Unity®.
Build a 3D “Legend of Zenda” game in Unity® from scratch.
Code in C#.
Create artwork in Blender.
Make textures in Photoshop.
Learn the fundamentals of game design.
To follow along with these tutorials, you will need the following programs: Blender (for 3D modeling), Photoshop or a free program like Gimp (for 2D art/texturing), and Unity® (for coding).
The tutorials were recorded on a Mac, but you can use a PC.
Have you ever wanted to make your very own games? Well, you’ve come to the right place! After purchasing this course, you’ll be taken step-by-step through every process needed to do just that. Learn how to build a Legend of Zenda Role Playing Game and Ninja Survival Mobile Game!Our 2 talented instructors, Kevin Liao and Glauco Pires, explain everything from a basic, beginner level. That means you don’t need any prior coding or digital art experience to succeed here.Glauco Pires will take you through the process of coding a game in Unity® from scratch.Kevin Liao will teach you how to create all the artistic elements you will need to complete the game. Kevin will teach this section of the course in Blender, the wonderful and free 3D modeling program. The final section will teach you how to integrate the art you created in Blender to the game in Unity®.Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this material in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:Build 22 Games in GameMaker Studio, C# Unity® & BlenderC# Masterclass: Make RPG & Mobile Games in Unity & BlenderMake a Ninja Survival game for mobile in Unity and BlenderPractical Unity Developer Academy: Make Fully Featured GamesA to Z Unity Development: Code in C# and Make Low Poly ArtC# & Image Processing Masterclass: Make Mobile Games & AppsProfessional Game Development: 3D Modeling and Unity C#Create 19 Low Poly Models & Your First 3D RPG In Unity® C#Complete Unity and Android Development: Build Games and AppsC# Masterclass: Make RPG & Mobile Games in Unity & BlenderBuild “The Legend Of Zenda” Game in Unity and BlenderMake a 3D Unity Action Game & Low Poly Buildings in Blender28 Low Poly Models and a Unity® Game – Complete 3D DeveloperThe beauty of taking an online course like this is the ability to replay any of the lectures at any time. There is no time limit or final tests. You get to learn at your own pace with a practical model method of learning.One of the best features is that you can watch the courses at any speed you want. This means you can speed up the or slow down the video if you want to.This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio. Project based training content is the best way to get from A to B. Taking this course means that you learn practical & employable skills immediately.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. Learn coding today and get a head start for tomorrow. People who can master technology will rule the future.You get full lifetime access to this course for a single one-time fee. Sign up now!
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