Release date:2019, March

Duration:03 h 10 m

Author:Daniel Krafft

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

Blender 2.8


Game Asset Creation

Game-ifying Models

Post Processing in Unity


Have a computer able to run Blender 2.8 and Unity

Description Have you ever wanted to create amazing 3D low poly art? With this course you’ll learn to make these ideas come to life.

Blender 2.8 is a groundbreaking installment in Blender history which allows you to do everything you’ve wanted to model in a realtime render engine! Unity is an industry standard game engine that is used by professionals and individuals alike. Here are some reasons why this course is a great way to learn Blender…

Create assets for your video games.

Low Poly art is an excellent introduction to the software

Create amazing low poly art

Make low poly assets for others (maybe make some money)

Learn the basics of Blender and Unity through low poly graphics, while at the same time creating a cool piece of art to show your friends. This course starts from the very beginning and includes a keyboard shortcut cheat sheet so you’ll be able to start with no experience necessary..

Daniel Krafft is a freelance 3D Artist and has currently had employers in 10(!) countries and that number is growing. He has two years of experience with Blender.

Throughout the course you are encouraged to create your own 3D assets and make your own scene. At the end, it would be amazing if students would take what they learned and make something beautiful with it.

Students will be able to make suggestions of specific things they’d like to model, and a video describing how to make it could be added to the course!

Get lifetime access to this course now!

Enroll in the course now and get started!

Who is the target audience?

Game developers looking to add low poly art to their game

Blender hobbyists looking to add a skill to their set

Beginners looking to learn the basics

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1. Blender Basics 01. Promo 02. Introduction to Blender 03. Camera Navigation 03.1 Blender Cheat Sheet.7z 04. Primitive Objects 05. Grab, Rotate, Scale 06. Tools and Properties 07. Selection 08. Object and Edit mode 09. Inset Faces 10. Extrusion 11. Bevel 12. Ring Cut 13. Knife Tool 14. Duplication 15. Spin Tool 16. Section 1

2. Blender for Low Poly 01. Modifiers 02. Booleans 03. Subdivision Surface 04. Array 05. Mirror 06. Decimate 07. Proportional Editing 08. The Low Poly Formula 09. Low Poly Rocks 10. Low Poly Grass 11. Low Poly Stones 12. Low Poly Tree 13. Low Poly Ground

3. Making Models into Game Assets 01. Separation and Joining 02. Pivot Points 03. Parenting 04. Unity Basics 05. Exporting to Unity 06. Materials 07. Prefabs 08. Scene Building Part 1 09. Scene Building Part 2 10. First Person Controller 11. What to do now

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