Release date:2020

Duration:07 h 28 m

Author: Yekaterina Bourykina

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Course Description Part 1 of 4. Yekaterina Bourykina is a master of hand painting stylized textures for games. In this four part series she demonstrates her approach to hand painting textures on a character, using her character created for The Legend of King Arthur Challenge. In this first part, she covers the basics to get started, with an overview of baking, maps, cleaning up polypainted faces, then moves in to blocking in the key elements on her character, such as the face, hair, crown and fur.

Part 2 of 4. Yekaterina Bourykina is a master of hand painting stylized textures for games. In this four part series she demonstrates her approach to hand painting textures on a character, using her character created for The Legend of King Arthur Challenge. In this second part, after setting up the bakes and cleaning them up, building up lighting and painting in the materials, Katia tackles the critical process of painting in greyscale to make accurate looking materials and lighting.

Part 3 of 4. Yekaterina Bourykina is a master of hand painting stylized textures for games. In this four part series she demonstrates her approach to hand painting textures on a character, using her character created for The Legend of King Arthur Challenge. In this third part, following up to a lot of greyscale rendering, Katia covers more greyscale rendering… before finally getting into setting up gradient maps and beginning to render in color.

Part 4 of 4. Yekaterina Bourykina is a master of hand painting stylized textures for games. In this four part series she demonstrates her approach to hand painting textures on a character, using her character created for The Legend of King Arthur Challenge. In this final part of this series, after painting and rendering seemingly endlessly, Katia shares how to make minor geometry changes to the assets, and how to know when you are finally at a complete and presentable level with your character.

Hand Painting Textures for Stylized 3D Characters – Part 1 – Baking Maps and Blocking in Key Elements with Yekaterina Bourykina 01_Intro 02_Basics 03_Bakes 04_Map_layering 05_Cleaning_up_polypainted_faces 06_Blocking_in_lighting 07_Painting_a_facial_structure 08_Blocking_in_the_hair 09_Painting_fur 10_Blocking_in_the_crown Hand Painting Textures for Stylized 3D Characters – Part 1 – Baking Map.7z

Hand Painting Textures for Stylized 3D Characters – Part 2 – Painting in Greyscale for Materials with Lighting and Value with Yekaterina Bourykina 01_Intro 02_Rendering_1_Continuing_in_grayscale 03_Rendering_2_Still_having_fun 03_Rendering_3_This_is_my_life_now 04_Rendering_4_Day_87_I_only_see_in_greyscale 05_Rendering_5_I_have_accepted_my_fate

Hand Painting Textures for Stylized 3D Characters – Part 3 – From Greyscale to Rendering in Colour with Yekaterina Bourykina 01_Forever_rendering 02_Detailing_the_crown 03_Back_to_rendering 04_Setting_up_gradient_maps 05_Rendering_in_color

Hand Painting Textures for Stylized 3D Characters – Part 4 – Finalizing and Polishing the Character Asset with Yekaterina Bourykina 01_Intro 02_More_rendering 03_Replacing_geometry 04_Never_satisfied_face

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