Release date:2020

Author:Marco Bucci

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Hone your eye by learning from the source.

With the ubiquity of digital media in commercial art today, the discipline of painting outdoors with traditional media is often neglected. Let Marco inspire you to put together a small sketchbook and (re)kindle the joy of painting and studying directly from life. Tackling three different types of common subject matter, this video shows that nature truly is the best teacher.

In this class you will learn:

How to set up quickly and efficiently with a low-weight travel kit

How to combine various wet and dry media freely and seamlessly into one sketch

Building up a painting in physical layers

Mixing pigments to build patchworks of color

Common problems that arise while painting outdoors and how to deal with them

How to edit and simplify nature into workable compositions

Various methods of approaching a sketch

The value of visual-journaling

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