Release date:2020

Author:Mary Kate McDevitt

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Does your lettering work feel off, but you can’t put your finger on why?

Mary Kate McDevitt has been lettering and illustrating for years, constantly refining and improving her work. Over the years, she’s learned to critique her own lettering, noticing common mistakes and how to fix them. In this comprehensive 55-minute class, Mary Kate will share her tips to critique your own work and solve students’ most common lettering missteps, including:

Awkward Letterforms

Mismatched Styles

Unbalanced Composition

Style Mismatched to Concept

Extraneous Details

In bite-sized lessons, you’ll follow Mary Kate through creating a lettering piece from start to finish, considering the 5 flags for self critique as you go. She will point out examples, common issues, and fixes along the way. You’ll also watch Mary Kate critique and improve an old piece, providing opportunities to improve your eye.

Whether you’re a letterer, designer, illustrator, or enthusiast, you’ll gain a set of tools for self-critique to make your work better than ever.

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