Release date:2020

Author:Mary Kate McDevitt

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Push your hand-lettering projects to the next level! Join lettering artist and illustrator Mary Kate McDevitt for this two-hour, in-depth class on creating cohesive lettering systems.

Mary Kate will take you behind-the-scenes on a real client project and share how to create a system of multiple illustrations and lettered blurbs, tied together with a single motif to create a cohesive and beautiful system you can apply to any large project.

This class is great for the illustrator or designer looking to push their work a bit further and create something big. You’ll learn to tell a larger story with your lettering and illustration using hierarchy, color, and style to unify your drawings.

Every lesson progresses in bite-sized, step-by-step demonstration. Mary Kate uses a book cover of her own design as a starting point, and then illustrates an ex libris page, a title page, and a back cover page with a hand-lettered blurb. She sketches multiple concepts for each element, and refines her drawings until she lands on final illustrations for each, creating a full lettering system for the book. Ultimately, all of the drawings are tied together with a uniting concept and aesthetic — and her careful demonstration and explanation demystifies how.

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