Release date:2021

Author:Bill Buckley

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

This tutorial teaches many of the skills needed to become a successful game animator; one that has an understanding of how their animations are used to create systemic solutions within a third person game project. Students are introduced to the powerful animation tools and capabilities within the Unreal Editor. Veteran game developer and Animation Director, Bill Buckley, guides students through multiple lessons while showcasing techniques developed throughout his career to speed up production, as well as ensure that the iteration process is streamlined and effective. He begins by using the ART Maya rig, provided by Unreal when you download the Unreal Editor, to create and replace existing animations within a provided project template, demonstrating how animation assets are used within a game project. Bill then moves into more advanced techniques by creating a three hit attack combination. Using an Animation Montage, he showcases how each combo of the attack has a successful blend and fail condition based on user input. In the end, viewers will have an understanding of how their animation assets will be best utilized within a game project, and what skills would be needed to showcase their ability to be a game animator.

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